
Square for Retail: Adding a store credit to a customer

Square for Retail: Adding a store credit to a customer

Has there been an update to the Square retail app or gonna be in the future to add a store credit to a customers profile on it? It would so be helpful.

1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: How to give customer store credit/voucher

Trying to give a customer a complementary $25 for hardships.  I have the Advanced Accounting so I can use gift cards.  I would like to use a 100% discount promo code to pay for this gift card but the only option is Paypal or Stripe.  How can I give a customer store credit??

206 Replies

Wondering about this part of @Bebalanced's question: "Also, if you use a gift card for store credit on the return doesn't it show that as a sell and throw your books off?"

We often buy used stereo equipment or records for our store from people, but like to give them the option of store credit instead of cash. The issue of course being, that if we did, say, $500 in actual sales that day but issued a $50 gift card for the gear, it now appears on our sales report that day that we sold $550. I tried paying "cash" then refunding it (since no cash exchanged hands) but obviously that only affected the "expected in drawer," and not the total sales for the day.


Hi @commonbeatmusic, welcome to the seller community! 👋🏻


Thanks for bringing this up — if I'm understanding correctly, what you're doing by selling a gift card for store credit when someone turns in stereo equipment or records is the best workaround at this time. While our basic inventory features do not cover this type of reporting, you may want to have a look at our partner apps as they may offer a more pinpointed solution.


Check your your Apps tab > Accounting & Tax or Items & Inventory, and learn more in our Support Center: The Square App Marketplace.


In addition, if any other sellers who have been in a similar situation have any pro-tips to share — please do chime in!

Square Community Moderator

Hi @hellomodest15


No update on this as of right now. Saving store credit to a customer would definitely be a helpful feature (especially during the holiday season). 


I've seen a few sellers use Square Gift Cards to issue store credit as a workaround. 


I'll be sure to let our Retail Team know that this is something you'd like to see in the future. 

Thank you! 

Hi Lily -- I'm trying to refund a customer for a product they returned, but they do not have the receipt for. In this case, it was a gift. We only give store credit if the customer does not have a receipt.


I'd like to offer the store credit in the way of a refund for the item returned, and put this credit on a gift card. Is this possible? If not, can it please be looked into. This has caused serious reporting issues on our end for over a year now. The only option we have, is to add value to a gift card, but this shows as gift card sales, which it is not.


Can you help?


This reply was created from merging an existing thread: “Is it possible to issue a full or partial refund onto a gift card?”


I moved your post to this thread @daisycollective — please read Sean's Best Answer (page 1) for the steps to issue store credit to a gift card

Good morning, here is a helpfull link. https://squareup.com/help/us/en/article/6168.


When you do a return in the square system, it provides you the option to load a plastic gift-card instead of refunding it straight back to the customer's credit card or cash. I tried this so I know it works.




Miguel Angel

I use e gift cards and when I tried to load the card for the in store credit the only option to pay was by credit card  - am I missing something? Where is the other tender/ Cash option upon e card check out page



Hi there @agirlfarmer! It sounds like you ordered physical cards from eCard Systems? The steps to load your physical gift cards are listed in our Support Center.


The most important step is to select the Gift Card item from the Checkout section of the app:

  1. Tap the three lines in the upper left > tap Checkout.
  2. Tap the icon on the bottom right to switch to your list of items > tap Gift Cards (it should be at the top of the list).
  3. Swipe or enter the gift card number.
  4. Select a default load value or enter a custom load amount (you can enable custom amounts from your Dashboard.)
  5. Tap Charge!

Hope this helps but if you're still having trouble loading your gift cards let me know!

I did finally get an answer. Physical cards are the only ‘other tender option’ to issue a credit. It’s a bit of a pain and more costlier than being able to use e-cards w other tender option to issue store credit. Hope that gets resolved- store credit is a reality of sales.

