
Label Printing: Scan and Print Barcode Labels

Label Printing: Scan and Print Barcode Labels

We are a retailer that has over 6,000 SKUs. We have asked for some time if there is an option that can be incorporated into the POS that would allow for us to "Scan and Print". With tons of new items coming in every week, we would love a better option to print out shelf labels, with the easiest option being to scan the new item and print immediately. 



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Re: Can Square generate SKU numbers?

Hello @GlacierLandings, welcome to the Seller Community! 


This is a great question I'm sure other businesses have. While Square doesn't have a way to auto generate SKU's Shopventory does! Once your products are entered into Shopventory you can run a task where the software will generate a SKU for any item without an assigned SKU. 


I hope this helps! 

103 Replies

Hi Ashley, 

    It would be helpful if Square posted the third party apps we could use for this.  Could you or someone do that for us?  

   Can you tell us if this feature is on the radar for the development team?  A lot of interest for a feature that is very important for retail stores that don't us UPC codes.  


   Thanks Ashley.  


I need a way to auto-generate SKU numbers as I add new items to inventory most POS systems I have used before have it. We are paying for square retail plus and this is not available. Why is that? Also previous answers of "use this add-on or other app that we will charge you for" is not an acceptable answer. I am already paying more for supposed advance inventory and vendor options. This is a simple request and necessary tool for inventories of large quantities of items it is ridiculous that I am having to post a request for this. 


Hey! I've merged your post to an existing thread where other sellers have also requested this feature. Thanks for posting and welcome to the Seller Community!!