
Is there a way to add a warehouse as a location?

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Is there a way to add a warehouse as a location?

I would like to be able to add a warehouse as an inventory only location.  Is there a way to do this?  I tried going into the Add Location, but that looks like it's more for another retail outlet.  I just need to be able to separate what is in my warehouse vs. what is actually in my store and be able to transfer between the two.  TIA!

5 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to add a warehouse as a location?

I am new to Square and cannot believe there is no function to create a warehouse for inventory received as overstock, then transferred to each retail location. Inventory management is the key to success or failure in the retail world. Please sign me up for any testing, discussion forums or anything else I can do to help expedite this feature. Currently Square is wanting me to pay an additional $60 monthly just to electronically track what is coming and going out of a warehouse. This lack of feature is really hindering my ability to expand additional retail store locations. I really want to stick with Square, but this could be a deal breaker when we move to additional locations.

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Re: Is there a way to add a warehouse as a location?

Agreed! We DESPERATELY need this feature! I don’t want to create a 2nd location named “Warehouse” when it’s not an actual retail location and pay $60/mo. I do not sell from this location; It is simply a warehouse that’s hold my inventory that is not on the shelf yet.

I’m astounded that this feature was requested in 2017 and it still isn’t available 5 years later. Square for Retail is all about running your business efficiently and smoothly… but the lack of this feature is a major flaw. 

There’s also the additional issue that was mentioned earlier in this thread - supplies or non-sellable inventory. I’m an artist and sell a final product; I have tons of supplies and it’s crucial that I keep an inventory on these items, for example a roll of canvas. When I order canvas, I order 3-5 rolls at a time. Without cluttering up my actual store inventory, again, a “warehouse” would be ideal. I need to know when I’m running low on my supplies… otherwise, I get into a bigger jam and can’t make my actual products to sell. 


So instead of being able run my business from Square for Retail, then I have to outsource to an app or spreadsheets… and now my business is spread across several different platforms making it very easy to overlook something or enter something incorrectly, meanwhile I’m still paying $60 per location for Square for Retail….  which is supposed to be everything I need to run my business. You guys… please give us a warehouse!

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Re: Is there a way to add a warehouse as a location?

Just chiming in that we desperately need this function as well.  Unless and until Square adds the ability to track warehoused stock, it really is just best for small stores who can fit their entire inventory on the shelf.  We have been using Square for years and love it, but we have grown exponentially and the inability to track stock between the store and the warehouse is becoming a major issue.  This is a fairly basic retail function that should be included in the Square for Retail pricing without having to pay an extra $60/month to devise a workaround.  Please help us out here!

Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to add a warehouse as a location?

Hi. Is this still considered a second store location at a rate of $60 a month? I have a retail subscription. If you're just reporting that we can add a second store location and name it "warehouse" this is not new and also not helpful. If you're reporting that a secondary storage location/warehouse is included in the Retail subscription as a means to track stock ONLY and never conduct sales, then this is great news! 

Verified Answer

Is there a way to add a warehouse as a location?

I would like to be able to add a warehouse as an inventory only location.  Is there a way to do this?  I tried going into the Add Location, but that looks like it's more for another retail outlet.  I just need to be able to separate what is in my warehouse vs. what is actually in my store and be able to transfer between the two.  TIA!

31 Replies

I apologize if this has been asked. I am not finding a previous thread covering this and I am new to managing inventory through Square. 


Our business has a retail storefront and warehouse (holding backup product) in the same town (1 mile vicinity). We will be shipping product in our online store from the warehouse and selling product in the store, simultaneously. We currently have our inventory combined in Square: (ex: 30 vases. 15 will go to the store and 15 will stay in warehouse for online orders and backup if the store runs low) 


I am questioning the possibility of selling 17 online before we could pull an extra 2 from the store before they are purchased. Do we need to create two separate locations within Square to sell from and place the 15 items in stock at each location? Or is there a way to designate that 15 will be available at each location within Square, so that if we sell out online, its marked as unavailable or sold out, even though we have product in the store? 


I hope this makes sense. Thank you in advance for any info! 🙂


Welcome to Seller Community and thank you for your post, @hgene.


Your question makes total sense to me! I think what you should do is make two different locations like you suggested, then assign your warehouse inventory to the location you use with your online store. That should ensure that as you sell online the inventory you see available in your warehouse is updated to reflect that.


Thank you so much!! Huge help and relief that have that answered! 🙂

is this an option yet? I would really like a way to designate where my overstock resides, and I refuse to pay $60 a month for a sub-par option like setting up a second location which still requires me to sign out and in to a different location to view the inventory.

Square Community Moderator

Thanks for your added input on this feature request!

I don't have a timeline on when this will be available but I would encourage you to check out our Beta Community to join and potentially get access to new features first when we test them out.

I'm very surprised this feature was request 4 years ago and there has not been an update. 


I'm needing this, too. Even if we could have something as simple as this would be wildly helpful:

  • Give us an "Unallocated Stock" or "Warehouse Stock" section, where we could put a number.
  • Have a "Track Inventory" section there, too. When changing the number, the two options needed would be "Stock Received" and "Moved Stock/Inventory"
  • Then, "Stock Received" could stay the same on all the locations. You'd just need to add a "Moved to Warehouse" option as well, in case stock went from a location back to the warehouse.

Obviously, it could be even more intuitive than that. It would be cool if it could give you a countdown of stock in the warehouse as you add the stock/assign stock to the different locations. But the solution above would be bare-minimum what would be needed, seems easy to do, and would be SO, SO helpful. 


Here's a pic I photoshopped to give an idea:


Easy solution! Please add!!Easy solution! Please add!!


Would this simple fix be helpful to anybody else, or do you have something to add?

Square Community Moderator

Welcome to the Community, @TWOPU


I sincerely appreciate all of the information on this Feature Request and how it would benefit the growth of your business. 


On my end, I can tag this for our Product Team to add your voice to this ongoing request. 


Thank you for using the Community as a conduit for your business needs.  

Square Community Moderator

Great news, @TWOPU


This feature is available in the Square for Retail paid subscription! 


Now you can transfer stock with a Warehouse Location. Keep in mind that the Retail subscription is charged per location. 


Thank you!

Can you expand on how this works? Thanks!

Square Community Moderator

Of course, @collinsandcoupe


You have the ability to name a "Warehouse" location to track your inventory and transfer stock to your main business location. To access this, you will have to have a Square for Retail subscription. 


Please let me know if you have any other questions.