
How to change personal name not business name?

How to change personal name not business name?

I need help with this too, but the only option I can find under "Personal Information" is to change my business name. I have a typo and would like to correct It without having to start over with my online shop, etc. 

1 Verified Answer
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Re: How to change personal name not business name?

@CKinkade Sorry for the late reply here,



Unfortunately you aren’t able to edit the legal name you used to activate your Square account. If you'd like to fix a typo with your activation name, you'll need to create a new Square account.


Fortunately the activation name is not public facing in any way. 

227 Replies
Square Community Moderator

@CKinkade Sorry for the late reply here,



Unfortunately you aren’t able to edit the legal name you used to activate your Square account. If you'd like to fix a typo with your activation name, you'll need to create a new Square account.


Fortunately the activation name is not public facing in any way. 

I am another one that has a personal name legal name change.  I will call support when they are open to see if they can do this.  The public may not see it, but I see it and hopefully can get this changed without opening up another account.  My bank changed my name, so I'm sure there is a way for Square to do it to..

The activation name IS visible to the public because it is also my employee name. When I got married, I attempted to update my employee record with my new name, because customers see it every day in transactions. The system told me I could not update my employee name because it is linked to the activation name. I cannot update my name without closing my account.

Square Community Moderator

@valdiedrich You're correct here. 


Unfortunately there's not a way to edit the legal name you used to activate your Square account. Creating a new account would be the only way to do this. 

That's messed up guys. I have a legal name change as well and use Square for payroll so I don't want my old name appearning anywhere in my account. Perhaps you are able to make the change now?



@WilliamA I'm afraid it's not possible to edit the legal name used to create a Square account. I'm checking in with our Payroll team to see what implications this has if you're using Square Payroll. I'll post again here as soon as I have more information! 


Hey @WilliamA, I'm following up for @Helen


We are able to change the legal tax payer name in Payroll! You will need to reach out to our support team for assistance though. 


I hope this helps! 😃

It may seem minor, but many hairstylists operate under a pseudonym. My DBA name appears on the online booking page, but my real name that my square account is under appears in the appointment page. I tried editing everything I could think of and the pseudonym appears in most places, but not all. If nothing else you should point this out before people finalize their sign up. Right now I am at a loss.


@BillD You can actually update the name of your business for Appointments from the Account & Settings section of your Dashboard.


To edit your business name:

  1. Sign into your Square Dashboard.
  2. Click Account & Settings.
  3. Click Locations > Click on your current location.
  4. Next to Business Name, make any changes you need.
  5. Click Save to save your changes.

After you click save the your updated business name will appear on your online booking site automatically! You'll also see that you can edit the Nickname for your location in the same place, but the Nickname isn't visible to your customers.


Hope this helps but let me know if you have any other questions! 

I will try that! Thank you very much for responding.