
Feature Request: Bundle items as a single item, pull from inventory individually - combo/combination

Feature Request: Bundle items as a single item, pull from inventory individually - combo/combination

The title of this post has been edited from the original: Inventory: Can you bundle items together as a single item or special?


We have multiple products for the same price.   We offer a 3 for $20 special, which is a mix & match of any three products.   How do I handle the inventory count?   Do I need to add each item with the discounted amount, so at check out I would have to select three discounted items?   Or do I add each item at the regular amount and apply an overall discount?

3 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to create a Gift Basket, to be sold as one item, pulling numerous items from s...

Hey @FurnishbyIsa and welcome to the Community!

This isn't something we offer at this time. 


This would be a feature request we can pass up but I haven't seen any other requests for this yet. Hopefully other sellers who are looking for this can add onto the thread!

Verified Answer

Re: Can square reduce inventory of two different items sold as one?

Hi there!


Unfortunately for bundle created items that combine two separate items together will not reduce your inventory for each. 


What you can do is create a discount and apply it to the sale when both items are purchased together.

This will reduce your inventory and also reduce the price to the amount that you like. 

Verified Answer

Re: How to track inventory with a mix & match 3 for $20 special?

Hey @Baconation, thanks for surfacing!


I can see how this would be a bit tricky for your 3-for-$20 special, especially since inventory is a high priority.


Depending on how you need to track your items, I have three suggestions:


  1. Add each item individually to the sale, then apply an overall discount.
    Pro: Allows you to track the inventory for each item regardless of being part of the special.
    Con: You would have to ring up the 3-for-$20 special as a separate transaction. Otherwise, the discount will apply to the entire sale.
  2. Add each item individually to the sale, then apply the discount to each of the three items.
    Pro: Allows you to track inventory for each item regardless of being part of the special and ring up additional items in a single transaction.
    Con: More of a manual process that may increase the length of time to complete a sale.
  3. Create a "3-for-$20 Special" item.
    Pro: It's fast and since the price would be locked, you can add it to a sale with other items.
    Con: You wouldn't be able to track each individual item within included with the "3-for-$20 Special" item.

I understand how automating this would be super helpful for your business and I'll be sure to share your experience with our product liaison team. 


Find step-by-steps on applying discounts in our Support Center.


Hope this helps clear things up for now. Please let me know if you have any further questions!

291 Replies

Hello @jmartinez84


I went ahead and merged your thread with this existing one so we can track this request in one place. 🙂


Currently, we don't have the ability to create combos that allow customers to pick multiple variations within a combo. For this to work the items would have to be pulled from their respective inventory categories. 

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: How to create a gift basket and allow inventory to be updated to show single items are not available


Hi Community,


Our customers are ordering gift baskets. Currently, I sell all items as individuals. How do pre-program a gift basket option that contains multiple single items + my expenses for the gift basket? I need this for inventory tracking purchases to continue to stay on top of consumer trends.


It seems like modifiers will not allow me to capture the granular data of which individual items were assembled into the gift baskets, nor update inventory to show that these items are no longer on the shelf and available for sale.


Any ideas?


Hey @PoppyPopcornCo, I've moved your post here so you can read Chad's reply to this question. We'll post any updates to this request in this thread.

Thank you, Helen!

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Where is the combo feature?


Would love to know where the "combo" feature is currently at? Could certainly use it in our shop instead of ringing items individually.


Hello @sweetandearthy! This is currently a feature request that we're tracking in this thread. We'll share any updates here, thanks for your patience in the meantime. 

Hi- Wondering if there have been any updates to this conversation as of April 2019?  We are looking at the Sqaure for Retail option for our shop and sell gift boxes which have multiple items in one box.  Since this request has been happening since 2016, I am wondering if Square is working on this now?  


Hi @oliverosestudio - Unfortunately, no updates to share at this time, but we will announce it in this thread if that changes.

Hi Puka,

Is there a reason that Square has been so unwilling to create this functionality when so many current and potential users need this functionality? Has it been scheduled?





Helen from the Community team here stepping in for Puka. I'm afraid we can't share a timeline for when a specific feature might be available, I'm sorry. The Items and Inventory teams read these posts so thank you for highlighting just how important this is to you. We'll post here if we have any updates to share.