
Does Square offer layaway?

Does Square offer layaway?

For retail owners and layway tool would extremely useful. I has attempted a make process currently but would love to see this feature added.

3 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Meet Our Square Hardware Team: How can we improve Square's payment products?

We start doing layaways between mid September- mid December to help our customers with their holiday shopping.

A layaway option would be fantastic or the ability to take payments on saved tickets would be awesome. 



Your post was moved by a Community Moderator to a thread with similar subject matter on a Feature Request.

Verified Answer

Re: Does Square offer layaway?

I operate an art gallery and we do a lot of layaway purchases. Here's my workaround:


After calculating the total and the deposit due, I ring the item/items and manually change the price to reflect the deposit amount. For each item I use the Note function to indicate it's a layaway deposit. I then make an invoice that splits the remaining balance into equal thirds or fourths depending on the customer's choice. We set a reminder for 2 days prior, and the day of each payment due date. The paper agreement says we prefer they use the online invoice function. If they do happen to come in to make an in-person payment, I create an item for the amount and use the Notes to indicate what it's for. Since we're a consignment gallery, and artists are paid as each payment comes in, having the invoice record helps our accounts to ensure commission payments are made correctly.

Verified Answer

Re: How can I offer my customers a layaway option with Square Point of Sale?

Great question, @wh! We don't have a specific layaway feature, but we have had some sellers use our open tickets feature to facilitate layaway sales. The workaround goes like this:


1) Create an open ticket for the item

2) When the customer makes a payment on the item, close out the existing open ticket with their payment

3) Then create a new open ticket with the updated balance

4) Follow this process until the item has been paid off


Here are the details on how the open tickets feature works: http://squ.re/201xf50.


You could also create an Invoice for the upfront partial payment and more Invoices for the balance until the goods are picked up. Here’s how to create Invoices: http://squ.re/1SGkd8s.

@2ndglances, do you have other tips?

89 Replies

Good question. I’ve been told they are working on it since I joined up which is nearly 1 year. 
invoices is not an option . Too complicated and a lot of my customers don’t want to have to check emails . 

the way i have been doing it its contacts with deposit then attaching invoice, to many steps and emails. Im on beta but havent seen anything yet for it

I started doing a deposit payment where the tax is included, so its just a straight payment.  When they pay again I just do the same thing.

Is there a way to set up a deposit, partial payments, or layaway on items from my inventory via the virtual terminal?


Welcome @dispartyshop! Thanks for your question.


With the Virtual Terminal, you can process quick payments from your computer or laptop. That's solely what the Virtual Terminal is for, so there isn't an option to take deposits or partial payments through it. Layaway wouldn't be an option with VT either. But here's a workaround for layaway.

I operate an art gallery and we do a lot of layaway purchases. Here's my workaround:


After calculating the total and the deposit due, I ring the item/items and manually change the price to reflect the deposit amount. For each item I use the Note function to indicate it's a layaway deposit. I then make an invoice that splits the remaining balance into equal thirds or fourths depending on the customer's choice. We set a reminder for 2 days prior, and the day of each payment due date. The paper agreement says we prefer they use the online invoice function. If they do happen to come in to make an in-person payment, I create an item for the amount and use the Notes to indicate what it's for. Since we're a consignment gallery, and artists are paid as each payment comes in, having the invoice record helps our accounts to ensure commission payments are made correctly.

Hi you advice is very interesting but I think my staff would find this difficult to implement unfortunately. They are not so techno savvy and it looks a little complicated. Also I love the idea of Notes . Where is this available? When my staff sell something as a custom amount it would be great if they could add a note to say it is a Layby or in your vernacular Lay Ways 🙂


We start doing layaways between mid September- mid December to help our customers with their holiday shopping.

A layaway option would be fantastic or the ability to take payments on saved tickets would be awesome. 



Your post was moved by a Community Moderator to a thread with similar subject matter on a Feature Request.

Square Community Moderator

Thank you for your post @JJS1! I moved your post to a thread where other sellers are discussing this same Feature Request and your voice can be heard.