
How do employees view their cumulative hours?

How do employees view their cumulative hours?

My employees would like to be able to see how many hours they have worked past one shift. Is there a setting somewhere I can change for that?

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: How do employees view their cumulative hours?

Hi @TrueNature, this is Chris (product manager for Employee Management). Appreciate your earlier post and follow-up here - I hear you! I don't have a timeline I can share yet, but I will say that we are working on this right now. Couple of questions for you below to help us figure out the best approach for this:


- How are you working around this missing feature right now?

- Do you only want your employees to be able to view their own timecards, or would you want them to be able to edit them as well?

- If they're edited, would you want to be notified that a change was made? What would be the best way to show/tell you that an update was made?

- Should employees be able to delete timecards?

- Is there any time limit for which timecards an employee should be able to edit? i.e. only allow this for timecards in the last 2 weeks.

- Do you envision employees being able to log in to Dashboard to access this, or are you thinking more of an email or print-out from the POS after a completed shift?


Re: your comments about the clock in/out flow, I'd love to set up some time with you to chat about which parts you think are too cumbersome. I'll follow up so we can set up a time for a call.

Verified Answer

Re: How do employees view their cumulative hours?

At the moment, the only way for employees to have to ability to view past timecards is to update their team permissions to allow them to be able to log into Square Dashboard and "manage timecards". 


While this will allow them to view all of their old time cards, it will also give them access to adjust older time cards along with all other employee timecards. I understand that this can cause some issues as employees having the ability to edit each others, or their own, timecards isn't ideal. Ill share this request with our Product team.

54 Replies

I was just talking with an employee about this today and stumbled across this thread. Something that would pop up where they could log in, have a date range to set and see their hours for that period would be fantastic. I too have had people go into OT becuase of this, or I am constantly texting people total hours. I hope this is still on the priorities list!

I'm being asked about this all the time!! My employees are always accidentally clocking in and then out or not out at all no matter how well they're trained which is a big burden on payroll to contantly have to review timecards for anomolies.

I am also being asked about being able to check cumulative hours.  If this is not resolved we will need to consider a different option, square will just not do for us anymore. 


Hello @SaltFireBrewing and @RR3


I've reached out to our Employee Management Team to get an update on this feature request. I will follow up as soon as I hear back! 

Checking in to see if Square has fixed this issue of not giving employees access to their timecards yet??  Or is there at least a way I can print it out and hand employees a paper copy when they need it?

Please let me know what you find out as well?  Employees are not happy not to be able to see and/or adjust their own timesheets.

Any response from your Employee Management Team?  This remains a significant need of ours, and apparently quite a few other business operators.   On a related note, in a recent update, the clock-in function was unnecessarily complicated to require more keystrokes, which is confusing and leading to more frequent errors in clocking in and out.  For these reasons, and a few others, I am currently shopping other POS systems.  I'd love to be won over by pro-active and responsive customer support, but all I've seen so far on this matter is lip service and stalling.  Please show me and the others in this thread that I'm wrong.  


Hi @TrueNature, this is Chris (product manager for Employee Management). Appreciate your earlier post and follow-up here - I hear you! I don't have a timeline I can share yet, but I will say that we are working on this right now. Couple of questions for you below to help us figure out the best approach for this:


- How are you working around this missing feature right now?

- Do you only want your employees to be able to view their own timecards, or would you want them to be able to edit them as well?

- If they're edited, would you want to be notified that a change was made? What would be the best way to show/tell you that an update was made?

- Should employees be able to delete timecards?

- Is there any time limit for which timecards an employee should be able to edit? i.e. only allow this for timecards in the last 2 weeks.

- Do you envision employees being able to log in to Dashboard to access this, or are you thinking more of an email or print-out from the POS after a completed shift?


Re: your comments about the clock in/out flow, I'd love to set up some time with you to chat about which parts you think are too cumbersome. I'll follow up so we can set up a time for a call.

Hi Chris,


Thank you for the response.  Answers below:


  • We're currently working around this issue by managing employees' hours oursleves.  Is an employee wants to pick up a coworker's shift, I check the employee's hours and determine wheterh they run the risk of going into overtime.  If an employee wants to konw their hours for the week, or the pay period, they ask me and I pull it up.  Employees have a right and an expectation to be able to track their hours
  • I want employees to be able to view their hours for the week and pay period.  I do not want them to be able to edit timecards.  I don't want them to be able to view other employees' hours.
  • I do want to be able to view an edit history of any timecard changes, even though I don't want staff to be able to edit.  IT's useful information in tracking probles with forgettign to clock in/out, among other things.
  • Employees should not be able to delete or edit timecards in any way.  These records are often inportant to show hours worked for many reasons, including unemployment claims and workers' comp cases.
  • The most basic need would be for a chit to print out with each clock-out with hours worked for that shift and cummulatively for the pay period.  It would also be great for the employee to be able to pull up an on-screen report of hours worked in the week and current pay period, and have an option to print that up.  

The new clock-in/out process has extra steps, extra key-strokes, and is leading to more errors in clocking in/out. The extra step of confirming seems to be counfounding.

What do we do?  We use HomeBase.  It requires two separate systems, but it works.  I really have no idea why this is not included with square.  We already pay the $5 per month per employee, this should be part of that.