
How to collect cash/pay in-store for Square Online site orders?

How to collect cash/pay in-store for Square Online site orders?

Good afternoon Seller Community ! 


Today I want to discuss a new feature that should be talked about that will be a great tool for businesses all over. I have written down many ideas based on obstacles my restaurant @CooksKitchn have faced during this journey using square as our number one POS system. I want to discuss a feature allowing customers to select a " pay with cash" option making purchases online. All business owners know that cash is king, and there are a lot of people out there that prefer to use cash rather than charge, not to mention with the increase of cash transactions we limit the amount of fraud purchases and bank disputes that have to be performed on a regular basis if you have a busy online store. I believe that customers should be able to select pay with cash when either choosing to pick up or placing an order for delivery. With an option for no show protection to the business, customers will be required to leave a card on file incase their product or service was never fulfilled we will be able to charge the customer either a full or percentage of the product. Yes we will take the risk of customers not having funds on that card and the transactions potentially being declined but its another huge step towards success for as Square users. Please consider this as an option during online checkout to maximize sales for businesses all over.



Dashawn Cook


[The title of this thread has been edited by moderator from its original: Collecting Cash for Online Store Purchases]

4 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Paying cash at time of order pick up

Hey @rae16,


I moved your post and this entire thread to an existing feature request thread for this.


It's not something you can do at this time. I don't have a timeline on when it would become a thing but you should join our Beta Community where you can potentially test out new features first when they're released!

Verified Answer

Re: cash at checkout

Hi @deltaelevator,


We really appreciate your feedback on this feature request. While we cannot provide a public timeline on the status of this request, please know that we will be sure to let you know if anything ever changes or if new updates are released. 

Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to manually add orders under Online > Orders?

Hi! Great question. There isn't a way to manually add orders to that page specifically, but you have a couple options to accept payment over the phone depending on how you want to run your system. 


1: You can manually accept the card over the phone through either Virtual Terminal or the Point of Sale app. This is the easiest way and will allow you to track inventory. If you need an order ticket to print, you will need to use the Point of Sale app and make an open ticket for the order. 

2: You can create an invoice for them on the dashboard or app and email it to them right after the call is over. Again, this will track inventory, but will not print an order ticket or appear on your Orders Dashboard. 

Verified Answer

Re: cash at checkout

Hi there, @exotictouch!

At this time, orders placed through your Square Online website must be paid for online. I've moved your post to an existing thread where this discussion is taking place, and where we're tracking requests for the ability to pay in person for online orders. 


The most common way that I've historically encountered businesses accepting cash payments for online orders are via invoices and/or phone orders. Have you considered offering a "phone-in" option through your Square Online website? This is likely the most tried and true method by which to accept cash payment for an order. I saw @BBTH's post here, and I thought up another workaround that would enable you to accept cash for pickup and delivery orders.

Workaround: You can add a banner to your main page letting your customers know that you are accepting cash payments:


I'd recommend adding a button to your banner here, as shown above "Call now to order".


This could take your customer to a couple of places:

  • I recommend having this button link to your Contact page, as shown above. 
  • You can alternatively opt to include a Phone link in your button. Keep in mind, this link will direct your customer to the actual phone portion of their phone and automatically dial your phone number, so this will not work on a laptop or desktop computer.

Here's an example of how you could clarify how your customer are able to pay using cash:

Once you get a call - or email - placing an order, you can put the order into the Square Point of Sale app using the open tickets feature. You can accept the order as if it was in-person, and print or close the ticket at the time of delivery/pickup.


We hope that this workaround helps a few businesses in this thread! 😊

185 Replies

Please keep us updated on this as well.

This would be a perfect option for our farm.  Payment upon pickup, or even payment upon shipment.


@ShermanFamFarm I did reach out to see if we had any updates on this feature request, but there's not anything new to report right now.

Keep your eyes on this thread for an update - if any new information comes through, we'll be sure to post it here!

I just spent a few days developing our square online store and then was shocked to find out that there is no C.O.D. option to allow a customer to place an order and pay for it when they pick up. This is an absolute show stopper for us. I guess it is back to the drawing board. We already use Square POS in our store, so it would have been great to use Square Online Store.


@hustroostfarm - Sorry to hear this is a deal- breaker for you and understand the convenience of your customers paying in person when picking up their orders.  This is a popular feature request that our Product Team is already aware of and are continuously tracking. Keep watch on this thread as we'll post here if there's a shareable timeline when this feature is available. 



Square's tone and their recent fee increases are a bummer. We've asked about integrating more of our business with Square tools to be a good customer for them and gotten essentially a shoulder shrug. Our business has grown with Square from 250k to over 7 figures. Most partners we work with acknowledge and seem to appreciate that. It seems something is different at Square since we started. 

We want to be holistic customers, yall should consider our businesses in totality. 

Finding out after setting up the store that there is no option for a cash sale is a deal breaker. Going to hunt for another option now. This thread is 2 years old. If you haven't added it now you never will

A major garment vendor I've used in past years has an online store generator which allows for online credit card sales or simply "inquiries" for any of the various items in our store.  We used the inquiries, which came to us in the form of an email, to pull items from stock and ready them for the customer's arrival and in store payment. 





Square Community Moderator

Thanks for adding your voice here for a workaround, @ShermanFamFarm! We appreciate you chiming in. 

Square Community Moderator

Hi @Rjalverson. We hear your frustration. From an engineering side, these requests can often take longer than we expect to bring to fruition. While we appreciate your patience here, we also understand that you need to do what is best for you business.


In the meantime, let us know if you have any questions. We are here to help! 

[The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Paying cash at time of order pick up]


Is there a way to setup online store for customers to pay cash for order at time of curbside pickup