
Feature Request: Set up specific date and time selection for Square Online orders (Pre-orders)

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Feature Request: Set up specific date and time selection for Square Online orders (Pre-orders)

The title of this post has been edited from the original: How to set up date and time selection for Square Online orders



We quickly built a Square/Weebly Online Store this week so that people could place contactless/curbside orders for our gelato shop. It's working great and I love that the tickets print out when it's time to make the order.


We are also implementing a local delivery service where people can preorder with us and we'll deliver it on Friday night. Right now we're doing it by email to take their item order and we respond back with a Square Invoice to capture payment. Has anyone successfully found a way to do local delivery with the Online Store platform?


It would be awesome if besides Pickup or Shipping, merchants could toggle on a Local Delivery button and the merchant could set a few options, such as "Delivery on Friday night, 4-7pm," "Delivery on Saturday afternoon, 12-6pm." Maybe with an option to assign a fee, but that's less important during this emergency response.


Thank you and be safe.

3 Verified Answers
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Re: Feature Request: Set up specific date and time selection for Square Online orders (Pre-orders)

@lonestar31 @MCTMN 

We are currently testing Batch Processing in our Beta Community, which may help you out. This is another update to allowing pre-orders on your online store.  We'd love for you to join in the test and provide feedback.


To get started:

Please join our Square Online testing group.
Once accepted there are instructions in the group of how to get started in the test.

Verified Answer

Re: Feature request: Pre-Order Handling

Hi all! Thank you for jumping into. your thread for pre-orders and more customizable delivery/pick up options. We're excited that this feature is now moving into Beta testing, and we'd love to have you check it out.


Please take a few minutes to ready our Beta Recruiting post- and make sure you're a fit. We're looking to get his launched in the next few days. Also if you've replied to this thread, we will be sending you information on this test via DM as well.

Verified Answer

Feature Request: Set up specific date and time selection for Square Online orders (Pre-orders)

The title of this post has been edited from the original: How to set up date and time selection for Square Online orders



We quickly built a Square/Weebly Online Store this week so that people could place contactless/curbside orders for our gelato shop. It's working great and I love that the tickets print out when it's time to make the order.


We are also implementing a local delivery service where people can preorder with us and we'll deliver it on Friday night. Right now we're doing it by email to take their item order and we respond back with a Square Invoice to capture payment. Has anyone successfully found a way to do local delivery with the Online Store platform?


It would be awesome if besides Pickup or Shipping, merchants could toggle on a Local Delivery button and the merchant could set a few options, such as "Delivery on Friday night, 4-7pm," "Delivery on Saturday afternoon, 12-6pm." Maybe with an option to assign a fee, but that's less important during this emergency response.


Thank you and be safe.

333 Replies

I know I am not the only company that wants scheduled deliveries added to the settings. Why are you guys taking so long to apply this. Is actually an easy fix I just can't do it from my end. I am sure square has a team of programmers to accommodate this request. 



I am starting a service where I bake 3-4 times a month and deliver the products to the consumer.  don't have a store front with normal business hours. My question is howcan I set up a pre-sale of a dozen or so different items for a specific delivery date.

We are also looking for specific pickup dates. We have preorders that won't be ready until after we order them. 


This is a popular feature request that our team is currently working on, @flourbin!


I've moved your post over to this thread where others expressed interest in the ability to schedule pickup/delivery orders for specific dates. You'll receive a notification when we share any news here, so keep your eyes peeled for updates.



Did you ever get a solution to this problem?


I, also, work at a catering company, and we're trying to do a bunch of different types of business online, all of which need scheduled deliveries, instead of restaurant-style deliver-when-ready orders. I've contacted Weebly about this a couple of times, but the answers I get back are vague.


Have you had any luck?

@VibrantTablePDX  - We haven't had any luck yet.  We hacked it by opening on one day only (Fridays) and delivering/letting folks pick-up in specific windows which we reiterate (constantly!).


It has worked so far because I only can afford enough labor to be open once a week, but we aren't viable this way, so we are going to need to open for another day.  I am crossing my fingers they can make something happen soon.


Another thing we struggle with, is that although we let people pre-order on Fridays for the next Friday (7 days later), if they order during business hours, their confirmation says their food will be delivered that same day.  This is because Square won't let us say what day the food will be done, only the number of days it will take to prepare.  SO LAME.


So we have to email those customers and explain why the platform kicks off that message.  It is frustrating and I imagine we have lost sales or confused people for sure...



This reply was created from merging an existing thread: One Day Events & Online Store


We have converted our fundraiser to a to-go event and I built out the Online Store with our packages and options. However, I only can take sales on one day. The set up features I see only allow you to dictate days of the week, not an actual date. 


We want to allow five weeks of ordering before the day of the event. 


Can the store be active and allow for ordering over a period of time but only for one specific date? 

I agree with many of the other posts. Square has great functionality but I deal heavily on preorders. Not all purchases are online preorders so the preorder app from the company of the same name isn't really appealing. Plus the cost is high for many small businesses. If Square would just simply allow us to put items up for sale and choose to allow those items to go to negative quantity it would solve the preorder problem. The way it is, I have to put in an expected quantity of merchandise, sell according to that number, and then remember to adjust the quantities of the items when I receive to my purchase order. The optimum end result would be allow us to:

- put a tag of preorder similar to "only a few left" which goes away on release date or when quantities go above "0"

- set a release date for pickup/delivery/shipping

- allow us to select when the customer is charged for the item

- allow the system to go to negative quantities so our inventory numbers are consistent 


This has been a long standing consistent topic and I am surprised that it hasn't been solved already.


I've moved your post over to a thread where others have asked for the same capabilities, @awaters1210. While this isn't possible just yet, it's something our team is actively working on - now that your post is here, you'll receive a notification when we update this thread with news about this!


In the meantime, I would recommend following @JustinC's advice, and add the pickup date in the pickup instructions so that it is visible when your customer is placing an order. (Square Online Dashboard > Settings > Pickup & Delivery > Edit location > Pickup settings). 

I am completely baffled as to why Square still will not allow customers to select a specific delivery date as they can with pickup orders! such as having flowers or a cake delivered to someone on their birthday or a special occasion. right now we literally have to ask customers to input this information into the notes and it does not make ice or this system look good. why hasn't this super simple basic feature been rolled out yet??