
Feature Request: Limit the quantity of an item a customer can purchase on my Square Online website

Feature Request: Limit the quantity of an item a customer can purchase on my Square Online website

The title of this post has been edited from the original: How do I Limit the Quantity A Customer Can Purchase of an Item?


I have a very limited number inventory on an item in my online store. Is there a way to limit the number a customer can purchase in a single transaction? Example: "Limit 4 per Customer".




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Re: How do I Limit the Quantity A Customer Can Purchase of an Item?

This is not available at this time but a great Feature that would be.  

201 Replies

We still haven't found a way to do it, and square has never reached back out. 


Hi @ctgirlspintout & @Festivaladmin - unfortunately no update to share on this. We appreciate you sharing this feature request and will let you know if it becomes available. 

Yes! I really need this. Where can we write to encourage square to support this?

Square Community Moderator

Thanks for sharing all of the interest around this feature, and I can see how it would be helpful to sellers who predominantly sell online. 


@CHSEF The Seller Community is actually one of the few channels that our Product Team participates and monitors regularly for feedback, so feel free to post your specific business need around this and I'll make sure it gets to the right team. 

Howdy folks! I know that in the past Square has not made it possible to limit the quantity of an item that a customer can order in a single transaction. I need to make it so that our customers can only order 1 item at a time. Has anything about this changed, or are there any plans by Square to make that kind of option available?




Hey @ChantLanta - Unfortunately, we don't have any updates regarding this feature, but I'll definitely pass this on to our Inventory team to consider for future improvements. We'll update this thread with any news as we hear of it.

Hi @puka! Have there been any updates regarding this feature? I am also trying to limit a specific item to 1 order for customer. 


Welcome to the Seller Community @MRPHL! 👋


Are you accepting payments online or from the Point of Sale app? The reason I ask is if you accept payments online and you set the inventory to 1, after the item is sold customers will see that the item is Sold Out. However, it's not possible to prevent an item from being sold from the Point of Sale the app if the inventory is at 1 or 0. 


Can you share some information about why this is important for your business so I can highlight your feedback to the Inventory team? 

Hi Helen, 


We are accepting payments online only. We are selling a limited-edition product so that is why we want to limit the item to 1 per buyer. 


Setting the inventory to 1 will not suit our purposes and would require someone to manually change the inventory every time there is a sale, which we don't have the capacity to do. 




We also need to limit the purchase of items, usually on a one per customer basis. For example, we offer a ticket sale to customers and they get to pick from a large selection of venues, but they must be limited to only order one ticket per person. I can't figure out any workarounds via inventory items, modifiers, etc. to get this working so the Square (and Weebly) storefront is a non-starter for us.