
Feature Request: Limit the quantity of an item a customer can purchase on my Square Online website

Feature Request: Limit the quantity of an item a customer can purchase on my Square Online website

The title of this post has been edited from the original: How do I Limit the Quantity A Customer Can Purchase of an Item?


I have a very limited number inventory on an item in my online store. Is there a way to limit the number a customer can purchase in a single transaction? Example: "Limit 4 per Customer".




1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: How do I Limit the Quantity A Customer Can Purchase of an Item?

This is not available at this time but a great Feature that would be.  

201 Replies

Adding another vote for this feature.


Thanks for your question, @hoodriver.


Are you using pickup and delivery? You can set a quantity limit for that to prevent customers from ordering too many items. You'll find that option in Settings > Pickup & Delivery > Advanced settings. There isn't a way to require approval for orders at this time, though.


Thanks Adam - this would be for orders to ship. 


Ahh, ok! We don't currently have a way to limit that for shipped orders, but I can totally understand why you'd want that as an option. Hopefully this is something that our team can add!


This would be a very helpful feature for breweries as well. 


We are planning a bottle release and would like to be able to limit to 1 bottle per customer. 


Any update on when this may be available? 

Yup, we need this feature too!!!  

Checking in on the status of this feature.  This is important for a lot of people, it appears. 

My company has now left square and this feature was one of the bigger reasons. Square is very basic and has low customization, we went with Shopify. Their base system has a ton of features plus so many apps to have features like order limits. It was frustrating to redo the setup process, we hoped Square could work, but we're happy now. 

Thanks. We are considering other options as well, due to lack of this feature. 

Is there a way to set minimum and maximum quantity limits for Items in the Square Online Store?

I noticed that you can set a minimum purchase $ amount in the Online Store, but I don't see where you can do this for specific items. 


Thank you for any help you can provide!