
Feature Request: Automatically hide Out of Stock items on my Square Online website

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Feature Request: Automatically hide Out of Stock items on my Square Online website

The title of this post has been edited from the original: Is it possible to automatically "hide" out of stock items on the weebly website/online store?


I really don't like items of sold-out items appearing in the store and it can be time consuming to have to remember what's sold out, then go and manually hide it. Is there a way or an option that can allow any "Out of Stock" items to be automatically hidden?

2 Verified Answers
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Re: Is it possible to automatically "hide" out of stock items on the weebly website/online store?

At this time, the ability to have your items be hidden automatically when they are out of stock is a Feature Request. I understand how this would be useful, especially if you have a large Item Library, @jshiree - we'll definitely update this thread if this feature is built out.


In the meantime, the easiest way to manage is to make these edits through the Item Library page. To help save time here, if you have a large Item Library, it may be helpful to export your Item Library. You can do this from either your Square Item Library, or the Item Library found in the website editor for your Square Online Store.


When you export, there will be a column titled Current Quantity. Any items with a '0' in that column are out of stock. Once you identify the out of stock items, you can go back to your Item Library and search for those items by name instead of mentally keeping up with your sold out items. I hope this helps!

Verified Answer

Feature Request: Automatically hide Out of Stock items on my Square Online website

The title of this post has been edited from the original: Is it possible to automatically "hide" out of stock items on the weebly website/online store?


I really don't like items of sold-out items appearing in the store and it can be time consuming to have to remember what's sold out, then go and manually hide it. Is there a way or an option that can allow any "Out of Stock" items to be automatically hidden?

53 Replies

Another store here facing that exact issue.  You have the option of enabling/disabling the "out of stock" banner on out of stock items.  It would be just as simple to implement an enable/disable the showing of out of stock items.  Having a background in web development, I can easily tell you that it is as simple as this.  When looping through the database to show products on the store, if stock quantity = 0 and show out of stock items is disabled, skip that item and proceed to next.  Really not that hard.  The way I see you, you are half way there with the banner.   If stock quantity = 0 and show out of stock banner is on, show banner.

Add my name to the list to get this feature implemented ASAP

Our online store is receiving similar complaints from consumers. We are a small boutique and typically carry clothing ranging in sizes. As we sell out of certain sizes, I was hoping they would be "gray" so the customer is able to easily identify which sizes are available for this product. 


I thought I found a solution by deleting that "option" on my back end - this does take the out of stock option off the website, but it also deletes that option all together. So not a solution. 


Prior to Square, we used a very basic e-commerce platform and it had the ability to gray out "out-of-stock" options, so I don't feel like it's too much to ask for Square to. Any updates?

Is it necessary to keep the sold items (one of kind merchandise) in the “item list”? If deleted would it be deleted on the square based website?

I am a bit different than most people on this thread. I do NOT have a ton of different items. But I have one category that is out of stock and will be for the next several months. I have marked them to be "Hidden" but they still show up on the site. as out of stock. I don't need these items to hide automatically.... I can do it manually. What is the last step to ACTUALLY hide them from the website?

Thanks - Gwen


Hey @AsilusArt! 🖼 


We're tracking this feature request in this thread. We'll definitely update it when the ability to hide/remove/delete sod out items from your Square Online site automatically becomes available. 

Please add our name to the list as well. This feature would be helpful. We have a Thrift Store and every item is one of a kind. The proposed method is not really possible as our regular staff is not very computer literate. They basically just use the POS. Even the ones who are and have access to a computer wouldn't have time to do this. I'm am creating this on a volunteer basis and can't have them texting me every time an item sells to hide it.


I did find something I think is easier than the export and re-import, at least if you have access to the Online Dashboard. In the Item Library set a Filter for Visible. I found this is sticky between sessions so you won't have to keep setting the filter. Then you can just go down the list and check the box for items who's Quantity is 0 and then do a Bulk Edit in the upper right and choose Mark Hidden. Granted this won't work if dozens of items go out of stock on a daily basis but if it's just a few it might be easier.

Thanks, meanwhile though if an item is manually deleted after a purchase, would it also be deleted from the website?

Square Community Moderator

We've got you down for adding your voice to this Feature Request, @YarnellRCC. As soon as we have some more information to share in regards to this feature, we will reach back out to everyone here and update accordingly.

It was mentioned prior but please make it so sold out items are available in the drop down. As we deal with limited edition items, it's a pain for customers to have to guess which ones are still available and leads to loss of a sale. 

P.s. Why is this thread marked as solved? It has yet to be fixed for months.

Surely the easiest way is to filter all items where STOCK=0 and then BULK update and select "HIDDEN" OR 

Filter all items where STOCK is GREATER than 0 and then select "VISIBLE" which means all items you place in stock are visible at each product/stock upload! 


it takes 5 secs! 


We suffer the same as @jshiree and really hate items showing as OUT OF STOCK [who cares!] if its not in stock they cant buy it so pointless advertising it! 



YES!!! FEATURE UPDATE - please and QUICKLY give us the option to have ANY stock that has a count of stock "GREATER" than 0 appear "VISIBLE" in the online items 😞