
Feature Request: Kiosk / Hide Options

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Feature Request: Kiosk / Hide Options

Since we cannot seem to get the actual functionality for a self service kiosk, can we at least get an update to the app, so that we do not see the menu items for things an employee does not have access too? (e.g. if the employee does not have access to reports... why does the menu item display? Seems it would make sense to remove instead of clicking on it and see the permissions error. 

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Feature Request: Kiosk / Hide Options

Since we cannot seem to get the actual functionality for a self service kiosk, can we at least get an update to the app, so that we do not see the menu items for things an employee does not have access too? (e.g. if the employee does not have access to reports... why does the menu item display? Seems it would make sense to remove instead of clicking on it and see the permissions error. 

252 Replies
Square Community Moderator

Hey there @Laschicastruck


We have a couple of different pieces of hardware that are able to complete what you're needing. If you are looking for something that prints paper receipts - I would recommend our Square Terminal. 


If you are okay with sending digital receipts, I would recommend the Square Stand. 


Check out our Square Shop at the devices to see what would best fit your business. 

Maybe Kiosk is the wrong terminology. I am looking for a system where the customer can walk up to the mechanism or terminal and be able to order and pay from them without having to have someone enter it for them. Do you offer an integrated system, where they can order something and pay for it there? For instance, Taco Bell, Sheetz, McDonalds, all have terminals that you can walk up to and order and pay from without having to deal with another person.

Hi! Kassi mentioned a couple of awesome Square hardware products, but if you're interested in something a little more visual we specialize in creating out-of-the-box solutions that are seamlessly integrated with Square (and we're an official Square Partner company). 


A few of our clients wanted iPad based Kiosks, so we specifically designed our main Square App solution to work like that. It'll work on either Android Tablets or iPads and it has the same type of ordering experience as all the popular kiosks.


Customers can even login to automatically access their securely saved payment info for a quick check out (or they can even scan their app at the end of the transaction - like paying with Starbucks - for super quick checkouts).


We currently have the following payment options:


  • Every major credit card: VISA, MC, Amex, Discover
  • Apply Pay, Google Pay/Android Pay
  • E-Wallet (ie. your customers would have digital wallets like Starbucks built into your App, which is optional)

You can learn more here: https://getpreorder.com/square-pos


If you'd like a walk-through of an iPad version, let me know. I'd be happy to help you test one to see how easy it is. 


- Ken


Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @Laschicastruck! Thanks for clarifying that for us.


Self-managing kiosks are just a couple steps ahead of us. Currently we offer a wide range of Point of Sale hardware, from mobile readers to full-scale countertop setups. However, none of these will grant the ability for the customer to fulfill an order by themselves.


I hope this information is helpful! Don't hesitate to reach out to me here with any more questions.

Check this link out for iPad Kiosks: https://www.google.com/search?q=kiosk+ordering+iPad&sa=X&tbm=shop&tbs=vw:g&ved=0ahUKEwiIusedy5znAhWB...


If for whatever reason it doesn't work, just google/search: kiosk ordering iPad


If you're more interested in Android, then switch the term iPad for Android. 


If it's under $300, we have a famous equipment partner that will give it to you on a payment plan. Then we'd simply make your App, which you'd install on the Android (or iPad) tablet - and you'd have a fully functioning Kiosk.


That's all the famous companies are doing - they're essentially having "apps" created, which they then load onto some type of tablet, which is pre-built into the kiosk.





ps - I'm the owner of my Square Partner company and have about 20+ years of experience in technology, the internet, mobile apps and technology hardware and equipment.

scott i am interested in the self kiosk mode for donations/accept payments please update me if it is in place

We're building an alternative for a self-ordering kiosk What are your views on taking orders via a chatbot? E.g. via Facebook Messenger. It saves hardware investment and space in your restaurant.

We're building an alternative for a self-ordering kiosk. In this case a chatbot that takes orders and payments via Facebook Messenger. Should we start working on integrating it with Square?

I am definitely curious to hear more about this self-ordering option. Guided Access has worked for us so far, but there are some limitations.





Supernatural Foods



Thanks for your reply. What are the limitations you're facing and how does that impact you?

Below you can find more info on what we've built so far:

How our self-ordering works

Features of our self-ordering solution