
Is the Square Appointment app available on android devices?

Is the Square Appointment app available on android devices?

Just got and android device, wondering if square appointment app is compatible with it? Not seeing app I'm store.

Thank you in advance.


1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Is the Square Appointment app available on android devices?

Hi everyone - I have some exciting news to share. We are now recruiting sellers for an early access Android app


Read more at Devon's post linked above.

159 Replies

Any updates on the android version of square appointments? My staff needs this to track their own appointments.


Hi @Dapperbarberco - If you go to the post Devon published and comment, they will be following up with everyone via email. 

We would love to be a part of the beta testing. My business partner just switched to an IPhone after being a die hard android user because it was too time consuming to make appointments on the android. Before I make the switch I would like to test it out. 

Just checking in to see how soon it will be available.....


Hi @LizBaron - We don't have a timeline for wider availability, but you're welcome to sign up for the early access version of the app. See my best answer on page one of this thread for more info on how to sign up!

@katieand if I fit the criteria I wouldn't mind trying the early access version.  

I've just read that you are working on an android app for squareup appointments. How is that going? Is there a release date yet? 

Do we have an andrpid app now? 


Hi @HairbyTerry & @Barber2 - No release date, but there is an early access version that is starting to be available for some sellers. See my best answer to see how to get an email with more info about it!

How do I get that info?