
Does Square Appointments offer double booking?

Does Square Appointments offer double booking?

I'm a hairstylist and regularly 'power' or 'double' book my clients during haircolor services to maximize my schedule and earnings.  For example, I schedule my highlight & haircut service at 3 hours:  this gives me an hour to highlight, one hour for the client to process, and the last hour for the cut and blowdry.  During that hour of processing time, I schedule another client for a color and/or cut service.  Is this something that can be done with Square Appointments?  So far, it looks like if a client books me for a highlight & cut at noon, I'd be unavailible for any other bookings until 3pm...  I need to show availibity for a 1pm appt.

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Double Booking Appointments

Hi there @jjohnstone 👋


We introduced the processing time feature last year, which enables your clients to book appointments during your down time.

You can learn more about how this works here, but be sure to let me know if this isn't what you were looking for!


P.S. Welcome to the Seller Community!

Verified Answer

Re: Square Appointments: How do I book clients in between processing time?

Kinda tricky.


The service duration + the block time for the service has to be less than the processing time. It gets complicated if both services have processing time. It has to puzzle together perfectly in order to work. 


It could also be be the calendar settings for when times can be booked. Typically we suggest setting the processing time to  According to service duration within Appts Dashboard > Settings > Calendar & Booing > Appointments are scheduled. 



162 Replies

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Making double booking appointment for client at the Hair salon

Hello: I’m a hair stylist and using Square for the first time. Will the booking app allow me to double book my clients? For example: I normally book a single process color with 30 min application and 30 min processing time; during that 30 min processing time, I will take a client in between. Will I be able to do that with square?

I really want to switch to the square app but this feature is very important being a hair stylist. Any update on when we can expect this?

Hi there,


They claim to me that thy don't have any idea of when they will add this feauture or have it as a option. And as a hair stylist and owner of a salon. t is a real pain not to have the processing to be able to be double booked. This does cause money to be lost for sure and also constantly me checking and changing appointments made online . so i would delay coming to square until they add this simple feature.

Good Luck..

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The ONLY reason I am thinking of not moving forward with Square appointments is because I need the ability to book a second client during a processing time. PLEASE have a feature that allows you to put in a processing time at actually opens up your schedule so our clients and desk staff see that we are “open” to accept another client!!!!! Begging Begging Begging 😊

@StellaSalon Go with Acuity if you need a powerful scheduling platform. We decided to go with them after realizing Square will not develop the features that customers have been requesting for over 2 years. Acuity is built as a scheduling platform, unlike Square, which is a payment gateway first.


We solved the issue of being able to book more than one client to an hour by using Acuity, which lets you set how many clients you want to allow per hour (even without signing up for multiple user accounts). It also lets you set whether you allow appointments to overlap with previous/next appointments. For example, we allow our appointments to overlap by 30-mins before/after.


If you haven't found a solution yet, I definitely recommend checking out Acuity. We've been using it for almost a year now, no complaints.

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Overlapping Appointments option needed


I know this has been discussed for over 2 years, but this feature would really make Square Appointments functional for a lot of small businesses. As such I need to start looking for another online scheduler to accomodate how I work. Bummer because otherwise I love it. 


I'm very sorry that this functionalilty isn't available yet with Square Appointments @soover.


Just to clarify, an owner can book overlapping appoinments from their Calendar but a client won't be able to book an appointment that overlaps from the online booking site. I agree with you that this feature would be really useful — for many sellers — and we'll continue to advocate for this feature with the Appointments team.


As soon as we have any updates on this request we'll definitely let you know! 

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Is there a way to book multiple appointments on the calendar for the same time slot?


Hi! I am new to square appointments and I wanted to know if there was a way to book multiple appointments on the calendar for the same time slot?  I also would like to know if there is a way for multiple customers to book appointments online for the same time slot?


Hi @Ben_Redlin👋 I've added your post to this thread where other sellers have asked this too. Yes you can book multiple Appointments for the same time slot from the Appointments Calendar, but clients can't do this online at this time!