
Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Is there a way 2 take partial payments 4 an invoice?

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Little late with an update here, but wanted to make sure y'all know this is possible with Square Progress Invoices!


You can schedule multiple payments on a Square Invoice by following these steps 

Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Hi there, @LiaJmt - thanks for adding your voice here and checking in on this feature! Good to hear from you. Same to you, @BIONICONE - welcome! 


You may be looking specifically for our newly introduced Deposit Feature for Invoices. This will also allow you to create a single invoice to track multiple payments and reduce the amount of time you have to spend reconciling multiple payments (deposit, follow-up payments) to a single transaction or sale.


Let me know if this is what you're looking for! 


Any updates from the product team on this? I signed up for square about a month ago as the invoicing feature looks nice but was unable to figure out how to configure a 20% deposit as invoice 1 and then the remainder as invoice 2. This thread is the top Google search result and it looks like there has been no headway. 


Can the product team please provide a timeline of where this is on the roadmap? Otherwise I will need to find another solution. 


Thank you


Hi @Louis96 - Thanks for your post. Unfortunately, we can't share a timeline as to when this will be a feature on invoices. I encourage you to check out this thread where our product manager for invoices addresses this request: https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/Feature-Requests-Invoices/Is-there-a-way-to-make-partial-payments...


We also had a number of people ask about it during our LIve Q&A with Rohini on Invoices and she gave some insight as to why we cannot provide a timeline. Check that out here


 Let's list the many "side steps" the company has made to actually avoid implementing the tech to help its current customers.

1- the obvious, this thread alone is over 27 pages longs

2- the work gone into excuses has exceeded any actual verification or information in regards to this basic feature

3- the responses have begun to be "almost degrading" in suggesting the thousands of current clients should "understand" not only why this feature has been side stepped for years, but still "wait" with NO indication of actual solid progress.

4- Square loses NO money by not working for the customer to this end, as they obviously make up the difference with their current revenue draws from their current business model.

5- generally speaking "WHAT KIND OF INTERNATIONAL COMPANY WOULD DISREGARD THOUSANDS OF CLIENTS REQUESTS IN THIS MANNER"...?  Folks, this is lemonade stand quality service, and we still pay the same service charge as the businesses whom "don't need" their techs to upgrade this archaic service standard....

     SQUARE.... how many tv ads does it take to equal the budget required to actually HELP small businesses you are lying to in those same ads... (fact check gang, you do NOT do all you can for small businesses".) ... 

There needs to be a mass exodus of Square users, or they will NEVER implement any of the ideas requested past the point of urgency vs fiscal motivation....

I will continue to use Square for my small items, that I sell at markets and soon will be selling online. I already have the POS set up and am in the process of integrating it into my web store. I very much like how it works for these purposes. Unfortunately, I have no choice but to use something else for my large commissioned work though, and that is where the big money is. It sucks for me that I can’t have it all in one place, but it would suck more to have to figure out a new system for everything else. I guess it’s a square plus pay pal system for me. Square for all of my premade items, PayPal for all of my big custom work. It will have to do for now.

Our clients pay 50% deposit upon pickup and other half upon delivery, Is there an option for that?  With PayPal there was simply a box that we checked that allowed partial payment and then the other half they would pay and the invoice would show as satisfied.  Right now we are making two invoices and it's hectic, confusing and irritating. 



FWIW I was contacted by square a few weeks back to preview a beta of the partial payment invoice feature. I was short on time and also wierded out by having to do it through a video chat. None the less it did give me the impression that they are trying to make moves on this, though I couldn’t agree more that the oversight on this has been so massive and long standing.


I too am still relying primarily on the CC processor I am trying to ditch in lieu of using square exclusively, but the fact remains that the work arounds are clunky, create disorganization with book keeping and product management and make me look unprofessional.


It’s a heart breaker to want to use this platform and I just can’t. It’s pathetic that I can better fulfill my businesses needs on carbon copy paper and a fossil of a cc machine that’s a close cousin to a knuckle breaker, and in 2+ years of requests Square can’t get together a partial payment feature. 

Super Seller Alumni

The simple answer is no.  But this has been something that has been asked for a LOT.  It almost took over one of Square's Live Q&A sessions.  I would think that it is something that Square will be working on with everyone asking for it, but it is something you will have to wait for.  

A customer of mine is trying to make a deposit on a future service. There's no Deposite option on the invoice. That would be helpful, and lucrative for my company.

What you mean post

Square Champion

currently, there is not a way to take deposits.  This is a very requested feature and hopefully something that will be addressed as I think it can help a lot of sellers.