
Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Is there a way 2 take partial payments 4 an invoice?

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Little late with an update here, but wanted to make sure y'all know this is possible with Square Progress Invoices!


You can schedule multiple payments on a Square Invoice by following these steps 

Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Hi there, @LiaJmt - thanks for adding your voice here and checking in on this feature! Good to hear from you. Same to you, @BIONICONE - welcome! 


You may be looking specifically for our newly introduced Deposit Feature for Invoices. This will also allow you to create a single invoice to track multiple payments and reduce the amount of time you have to spend reconciling multiple payments (deposit, follow-up payments) to a single transaction or sale.


Let me know if this is what you're looking for! 

336 Replies

@Alicia1 - Appreciate the follow up! While I don't have any sort of update to share right now, Kelly recently posted more details about how the feature request proces works. I'd highly recommend checking it out. Also, I'll be sure to post any updates if I hear them. 🙂

this is the same thing I asked last week sometime.  I don't think there is a way to do it other than run the credit card for the deposit, then again with the balance.  But, if you are using inventory management like I am, it won't calculate correctly because it would take it out twice from your inventory.


I think we need an option for all purchases, to check off <deposit> where we add the amount, then the balance is listed on the receipt and can either we swiped later off that same receipt, or if the customer decided to pay cash or check for the balance.


@rpfarmer @Alicia1 @RCT - We're tracking that feature request in this thread (more specifically for Square Invoices, as it's a very popular way to collect deposits for sales like this). I'll be sure to update this thread if anything changes in the future.  

Thanks Sean- That is how I want to use it, with the invoice feature. 

thing is, when you do outdoor events, art shows in particular if someone buys a $3-400 item, not everyone wants to pay up front. I only do a deposit for those that request it.  I can't send invoices to customers while doing a show.  Also, not everyone feels comfortable paying via an email link.  They are fine at swiping cards at registers or letting you write down all the info

Also, not everyone feels comfortable paying via an email link.  They are fine at swiping cards at registers or letting you write down all the info on their credit card.


If there is possibly a way to take a card, show the total, and the deposit given with the amount owed at delivery. Then later at time of delivery, an easy way for us to search and find that transaction to add the payment for the remaining balance. 🙂


@RCT — Thanks for taking the time to lay out how this feature would streamline payments at your events. I'll make sure this gets surfaced with the right team. Appreciate your patience and flexibility in the meantime. 🙂

Yes  I would also VERY much like to see the partial payment option. 

I would love to have the deposit feature as well, I feel any invoice altered during the transaction is just opening up for questionable methods.


I would rather have a process designed for partial payments than a bandaid to get around not having it personally.





The "hack" I am using for this issue:  1) create a custom discount on the original invoice that reflects balance due from partial payment.  Label the discount as "Partial Payment/Balance Due".  Then I create an item called "Partial Payment - Balance Due" in my Items.  I leave pricing blank.  I then create a new invoice for the balance due, using the Partial Payment-Balance Due item.  As price I put in the balance due.   You can also add whatever notes you wish on the invoice to indicate that the payment is a partial one and the balance is due.  This seems to be working well for my tracking purposes and for my clients.


Thanks for sharing, @tomasguitarra