
Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Is there a way 2 take partial payments 4 an invoice?

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Little late with an update here, but wanted to make sure y'all know this is possible with Square Progress Invoices!


You can schedule multiple payments on a Square Invoice by following these steps 

Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Hi there, @LiaJmt - thanks for adding your voice here and checking in on this feature! Good to hear from you. Same to you, @BIONICONE - welcome! 


You may be looking specifically for our newly introduced Deposit Feature for Invoices. This will also allow you to create a single invoice to track multiple payments and reduce the amount of time you have to spend reconciling multiple payments (deposit, follow-up payments) to a single transaction or sale.


Let me know if this is what you're looking for! 

336 Replies
Square Community Moderator

HI there, @Photo2019! Thanks for checking back in here. 


Yes - Requested Deposits on Invoices is now fully available! You can learn all about this new feature here. 


Let me know if you have any questions! 


We're excited to finally announce an update at this time. Our Beta Team is currently recruiting Sellers using Android to test the new functionality of in In-Person Partial Payments.

We’ve heard your feedback and are excited to announce our Early Access Program for In-Person Partial Payments on Invoices. Since Square Invoices launched, the ability to take an in-person card payment on a partial Invoices has been a limitation - but no longer! We’re giving you the ability to take an in-person partial payment, and we’re looking for Beta testers to try it out.


You’ll be able to accept a credit card and other forms of payment on both the Square Point of Sale app and the Square Invoices app. When you sign up to be part of the beta program, you are agreeing to provide feedback and report any  bugs you may find - before it’s ready for full launch .


Keep in mind that this beta will not be ready until January 2020


If you’re interested in testing this new feature, please let us know by joining the Beta Seller Community’s Android or IOS group. Android testing will begin in January, and IOS will follow shortly thereafter. We will recruit separately for the iOS beta.


Join the Android thread here: https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/Square-Beta-Android/Beta-Now-Recruiting-In-Person-Payments-on-Inv...


Looking forward to seeing you in the Beta Community and launching this popular feature request!

Would love to see this as well.

Square Community Moderator

Thanks for adding your voice on this one, @Luisarte. We have noted it! We will be sure to update this thread in the event of any changes to this feature going forward.


Thanks for your patience!

I have one invoice that I sent to the client via square email.  I told the client that they can make multiple payments til the due date instead of paying it all at once. They stated that square is not allowing them to do this and wants them to only make one full payment. How can I send the invoice to the client that they can pay whatever they want until its fully paid on the due date?


Hey @veesmooth-


Thanks for resurfacing this feature request to make multiple partial payments towards an invoice. 



This is a feature we're working really hard to make available to our seller's that use Square Invoices regularly to collect payments. I moved your post over to this thread, so that when we have an update on this feature, you'll be notified. We really appreciate your patience. 

Add another voice to the chorus asking for flexible partial payments. I do most of my Square transactions with Square Register, FWIW.

Square Community Moderator

Hi @glyph!


Did you see @kellyj 's update above already?


It looks like there's a beta for this on Android devices for Point of Sale. 

I am a wedding photographer & sent an invoice to a client with a required deposit amount, which she paid.  She now wants to make random payments between now and the the wedding date via this invoice.  How can she do that? @Helen 




Thanks for taking a moment to post here in the Seller Community, @winshipstudio.


Others here have also asked for the ability to make multiple random partial payments towards an invoice. I've moved your post over to this thread so that you'll receive a notification when we post an update here about this feature request. Thanks for your patience.