
Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Is there a way 2 take partial payments 4 an invoice?

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Little late with an update here, but wanted to make sure y'all know this is possible with Square Progress Invoices!


You can schedule multiple payments on a Square Invoice by following these steps 

Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Hi there, @LiaJmt - thanks for adding your voice here and checking in on this feature! Good to hear from you. Same to you, @BIONICONE - welcome! 


You may be looking specifically for our newly introduced Deposit Feature for Invoices. This will also allow you to create a single invoice to track multiple payments and reduce the amount of time you have to spend reconciling multiple payments (deposit, follow-up payments) to a single transaction or sale.


Let me know if this is what you're looking for! 

336 Replies

I would like to be added to any beta test of this feature when/if it becomes available. This is the primary thing keeping me from using Square as the primary payment system for my business.

To clarify, a beta does not currently exist for a partial payment invoice feature, I was just given an opportunity to preview what they are working on and I did not have the time to do it on the time I booked and I did not reschedule. I have not seen it, but it is in the pipes, how close it may be to getting to us, I can not say. 



I make custom pieces and I really need to have the ability to create an invoice with a deposit and balance due.  I'm using the discount work around.  This seems like a simple feature and one that a LOT of people are looking for.  How soon will this be added as a feature. 

I tried the work around suggested with the discount feature and it screws up the tax calculation.  The tax is calculated on the remaining balance only.  This is super frustrating and makes me want to find a payment processing system that works properly for small artist businesses. 

I’ve been (attempting) to mitigate this lack of functionality by essentially duplicating tickets, which requires doing it manually. 


We’re bespoke and component priced, meaning everything we sell is unique to the client and their project specs= a lot of parts make up one sales ticket. 


I have found that using a “50% deposit” discount code on a ticket with sales tax applied, take payment- Rebuild the ticket with all the items and apply a “50% balance” discount code and it actually splits the tax directly in half. Which is great, if I don’t delete that stored ticket thinking that I took the clients payment on my other CC processor, because that’s what usually happens, because it’s just easier. 

this is highly needed. cannot use square for all of our transactions because of this. 

+1 for this.

2 years and we still cannot take payments on an invoice.  This is a basic business function.  Come on Square!


Hi @rivas8409 - Not sure if you saw the Invoice team's update, but this feature is in development. There is currently no ETA to share, but we will announce once it is available.


From Rohini, the Invoices Product Manager:



Hi everyone! Thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to write in and tell us what you need from Square Invoices. I’m a Product Manager for Invoices, and can promise you that I personally read every single one of these messages. They do not go unnoticed, and they do help us to better understand your needs so that we can build a product that works best for you.
I realize that you all have been waiting for us to deliver the ability for Square Invoices to support partial payments, and I’m appreciative of your patience. Our team has been working on this feature for you, but it’s a major overhaul of how Invoices is currently architected in our backend systems. We need to build a new solution that is scalable, secure, and accurately reports all of the transactions within an invoice. Our teams are working as fast as they can in order to get the core components ready, but it will still take some time. Please know that this high priority feature request has not fallen off our roadmap, and as soon as it’s available for beta, I’ll reach out to those of you on the thread for an early preview. Thank you!

@puka That has been the standard response for nearly 2 years now.....  I keep seeing all these other "features" rolling out but, not the one that's most requested or needed.