
How do you make sure an item is deleted everywhere?

Our stock changes very often, so it is common for me to go in weekly in order to delete or add different items, some of which we may never get back in stock again. I can get items deleted in the items list no problem, but when I want to add the specific item sales in the custom sales report, every single item we have ever had is listed. I can’t filter through and check/uncheck every single item since we have so many. Is there any option to delete items from everywhere in our account, or at least make it so that only active items are included in the custom sales reports?

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Hey @ABTB, welcome to the seller community and thanks for bringing this up.


I went to look into this and the sales reports were designed to include all items that have been sold—even if they've been deleted from your Item Library. Many sellers needed to maintain a record of all items over the course of time for additional inventory or reordering needs. The ability to delete these entries isn't available at this time.


Out of curiosity, can you share more information on which details you're needing in your custom report? I'd like to surface some more insight with our Point of Sale team.

️ Tom | he/him
Square Community Program Manager | Square, Inc.
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