
Feature request: Drop shifts (not just trade) in Team Scheduling

We’re thinking of migrating from When I Work over to Square’s Team scheduling system from When I Work. It seems like it’s got the basics of this type of service, but I think it needs a few more features before it’s viable.


The biggest priority for us is Shift Drops. This is an option in When I Work, and I’m pretty sure most competitors like Homebase and ScheduleFly also have it. In Square, an employee can offer to trade a shift with someone else, which is necessary.


But sometimes an employee wants to drop a scheduled shift but doesn’t want/need to make up the hours. And there’s often someone who is happy to get those extra hours without giving away one of their shifts. It’s important to allow them to make this arrangement through the scheduling system, because otherwise the manager has to independently verify the arrangement with all parties involved. Our staff used the Drop feature in When I Work all the time, and I can’t imagine switching to a system that lacks it.


Bonus request: we should have the option to require approval (from people with Manager/Supervisor roles) for Trades and or Drops.

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