
Feature Request: Using "Items" for charging services from Virtual Terminal

I use saved customers and card not present almost exclusively for services rendered.  I created an "item" called "Professional Services", but I can't find a way to have that show up instead of "Custom Amount".


Is it possible to use "Items" in this manner?  If not, is there a way to replace "Custom Amount" with "Professional Services" as a default?

Message 1 of 11
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Virtual Terminal now offers the ability to itemize a sale. From the Virtual Terminal page, tap the Itemized Sale tab, then pull an item from your Library. You’re also able to apply taxes, discounts, and tips using Itemized Sale feature. 


Continue the checkout flow then hit Charge to complete the sale. If you need a visual guide, check out this Support Center article for an animated gif and a video! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 11 of 11
Square Champion

If it says custom amount that means you are just typing the price on the keypad page.  to use the item that you created you need to select the item form your list of items.


on a tablet, there are tabs along the bottom for a grid layout of items and a keypad.  you need to add your item to one of the grids


on a phone, there are tabs on the bottom, one for the keypad and one a list view of your items.



Message 2 of 11

Thank you.  I'm on a PC and don't see a method.  Seems it should just be a field in the virtual terminal payment screen.  If it defaulted to "Custom Amount" and ignored, it would be as it is now.  Nice if default could be item of our chosing though.


Am I missing something?

Message 3 of 11
Square Champion

ah, on the virtual terminal.  there isn't a way to use items or anything on the virtual terminal.  It is just for taking lump payment sums.  I would recommend using your phone or iPad to run the charges because then you can use an item instead of the generic custom amount.

Message 4 of 11

I'm not keen on having to buy more hardware, and having to transport more hardware between locations, to accomplish such a basic function.


I will continue to hope that Square will add some of these relatively simple usability features.  I guess this is the "best" we can do for now in terms of a "Best Answer".



Message 5 of 11

Well, I can report indications of good news on this.  I manage two accounts.  One showed up today with an intermediate screen that allows entering item name and specify $ amount when charging a saved client with saved card. 


It is only showing up on one of the two accounts, however.  Still rolling out ?  Can I expect this to appear for both accounts shortly?




Well dagnabit!  Square giveth and Square taketh away.  I just found that using the item field in this way now puts the item name in the transaction report instead of the manually entered note.  I was using the note field to add customer name and date of service (often different than the charge date) to the receipt (which doesn't include a name but will show the contents of the note field) and to the transaction report (which would show the note field if an item is not selected).  The transaction report was the only way I could find to report the day's charges with customer names associated.  So, as it stands, I can't use this new ability to add an item name to the charge.  Support.....  anything that can be done here while this is fresh?

Message 6 of 11
Super Seller Alumni

Sorry, I misunderstood what the problem was.  Deleted my post.

Judy T Shumway
Message 7 of 11

@Helen since you liked the posts above (even though they didn't solve anything!).  Is there a general "@" for support rather than a particular person?  Thx

Message 8 of 11

Hey @pstrisik, we (the Community team) use the kudos to like posts, and we also use them any time another seller has answered a post. We also review any unanswered qusetions so there's no need to tag a specific person - we're here! 


You should still be able to view notes add to a payment from the Item Detail CSV. We're also working on adding more features to the Virtual Terminal, but as mentioned already in this thread it is currently limited to taking payments for custom amounts. 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 9 of 11

Thanks for the reply Helen.  Good to hear there is work on the virtual terminal.  It's all I use.  I hope the several suggestions/needs that I've put forward in different threads will be considered. 


As I described above, when I was entering a charge from a saved card with virtual terminal Friday, I was presented with a screen that had a drop down for "items".  It would include the item name on the printed receipt as well as the note (eg, "J. Doe - 4/5/2019").  But the note printed on the transaction report, which gave me who each transaction was for so it could be added to a different program (medical billing).  With the item entered in that new screen, the item name unfortunately replaced the note field in the transaction report. 


Odd though, I only saw that "item" screen on one of the two accounts I manage.  Not sure if it is still there yet.


So, ideally, that "item" screen will remain and show up in the other account eventually and the note field can be put back in the transaction report.



Message 10 of 11

Best Answer

Virtual Terminal now offers the ability to itemize a sale. From the Virtual Terminal page, tap the Itemized Sale tab, then pull an item from your Library. You’re also able to apply taxes, discounts, and tips using Itemized Sale feature. 


Continue the checkout flow then hit Charge to complete the sale. If you need a visual guide, check out this Support Center article for an animated gif and a video! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 11 of 11