
Does Square have a report for time of day of sales for a specified day of the week over time?

I'm trying to determine hours I should be open on Monday's in 2017 based on time of day of sales on Monday's in 2016. Is there a way I can drill the report down to only show me aggregate info on Monday's in 2016? Currently I get time of day of sales averaged for the entire week, for the entire year. I'd like it to be just a little more specific if possible.

Message 1 of 51
2 Best Answers

Best Answer

We played with it a little and found a way to pull the info that we wanted.  It's not easy, but if you have someone that knows Excel you can get it out. 


Instead of going to the "Reports" section of your dashboard, go to the "Transactions" section.  We pulled info for all of 2019, all day, all payment methods, Payments only (not refunds), completed payments, from the location we wanted (we have multiple locations), and from the POS only (not invoice payments).  


We were able to export the raw data as a csv into Excel, and then create a pivot table to organize the data by day, by hour.  Now we have graphs showing both number of transactions by hour as well as dollar amounts for every Sunday in 2019, Monday, etc.  


We got all the data we needed, but it wasn't necessarily easy if you don't know excel that well.

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Message 43 of 51

Best Answer

You'll have to manually calculate the averages, but if you navigate from your Dashboard > Reports > Sales Summary, then set the date range to whatever period you're interested in, you'll get a report just under the main graph that breaks the sales out by day during that period.  Hovering over the bar for each day will bring up the total of that day's sales for the period.  Divide the total sales by the number of weeks in your period for the average.


A quick search didn't bring up any way to automate this, but it would be very simple for Square to do.  There may be other ways to do this in Square, but this is the best one I found.

Judy T Shumway

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Message 35 of 51

I own a car wash and 100% need this feature in order to properly estimate sales for any given day of the week in order to set a schedule for my employees that can support our sales for say, a Tuesday, without breaking the bank. Need Need Need!

Message 22 of 51

I'm looking for the same thing.  Weighing whether Sunday sales during certain times of the year are worth being open.  Any update on a way to run a report by day of the week?

Message 23 of 51

Hi @jeremyhinton - Unfortunately, no news to share on if or when this feature might be implemented, but we will announce if that changes in the future.

Puka - She/They
Seller Community UX Designer
Message 24 of 51

+1 for this feature!

Message 25 of 51

This reply created from merging an existing thread: "Custom Reporting Help" The author has been notified via email.


Hey everyone! I'm trying to get reports that answer quetions like


What are my average sales on a Sunday?

What about Thursday?

What is the trend on sales on Tuesdays for ITEM?


I am trying to figure out what filters/custom reporting I should apply. Or, is there a way to get all my square data in a large dowloadable CSV?


Can you help?

Message 26 of 51

Ditto to all replies and comments.  This is an important feature that was available in our other (much older) system and it's unfortunate that Square still hasn't developed this reporting option.  It's critical for retailers to have this information to effectively manage their business.  Please keep it on the development list!!!

Message 27 of 51

I also need to be able to do this!

Message 28 of 51

This reply created from merging an existing thread: "Weekend vs Weekday Sales" The author has been notified via email.


Yes, I'd really like to see a report that shows trends by time of day AND weekdays vs weekends.  For example, I'm trying to see if my weekday sales in the mornings justify my being open.  Is there any way to try to see this with the current reports?

Message 29 of 51

Have there been any movement in product on this feature?  


As a business, it would be helpful to identify the trends on what times of days are not worth opening, etc. 


This would be helpful as I cannot pull every Sunday from 8-9 AM sales reports.  Seems like an easy feature where you can filter by day, but it would be extremely helpful

Message 30 of 51

No news yet @woolypig but thanks for letting us know why you'd find this helpful — that's important for the Reporting team as they plan which features to build next. If we have any updates to share we'll post here to let you all know.

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 31 of 51

Count me in!  Long time Square user (4+ years) with a coffee shop and we really need the ability to view sales per hour per day.  It truly is important to know the sales per hour for scheduling staff and as a coffee shop, to see who is upselling on shift and who isn't.  We want to offer incentives for staff who upsell and increase sales, but we cannot without a sales per hour feature.


Come on Square, you guys are the best in the business and this is not that difficult.  You already offer it in a weird backwards way on the comparison graph, just make the data downloadable to Excel, we can take it from there!

Message 32 of 51

Yes we would love this feature too!


We need to shave our opening hours and to do so need to look at sales figures by the hour on each day. I'm with the other guy who said just make it downloadable as a spreadsheet and we can do the rest


THanks to the Square Team

Message 33 of 51

The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Daily average


I would like to see the daily averages by day. Example: what are the average daily sales for every Tuesday? Or every day of the week. Can anyone tell me how to get that information?

Message 34 of 51

Best Answer

You'll have to manually calculate the averages, but if you navigate from your Dashboard > Reports > Sales Summary, then set the date range to whatever period you're interested in, you'll get a report just under the main graph that breaks the sales out by day during that period.  Hovering over the bar for each day will bring up the total of that day's sales for the period.  Divide the total sales by the number of weeks in your period for the average.


A quick search didn't bring up any way to automate this, but it would be very simple for Square to do.  There may be other ways to do this in Square, but this is the best one I found.

Judy T Shumway
Message 35 of 51

I would honestly expect this to be a basic report for a POS system.  The data is easily available.  We are a bar and need to determine if opening an hour later on Friday or Saturdays make sense.  This report is CRITICAL for determining business hours based on real data.  Sqaure, this request has been open for over a year.  Is this on the roadmap or not? 

Message 36 of 51

Ditto to all of the above, this is both basic and critical. It sort of exists in our montly report emails (average sales on our best day of the week), why can't we generate it ourselves? We need to know what sales are like on Wednesdays vs. Mondays in a given period, for example. 

Message 37 of 51

I'm trying to pull a report by day of the week, for the entire year.  I want to know how Mondays look hour by hour for sales for all of 2019, or 2020 to date, etc.  Tuesday hour by hour, etc.  I'm only finding a way to see hour by hour as a total for the week, or for a specific day.  That ends up blending Friday and Saturday nights in to the hourly sales and skews the numbers hard.  Thanks.

Message 38 of 51
Square Community Moderator

Hey @amberdarland,


I moved your post to an existing thread in the Community where another seller had the same question.


@sciabica1936 answered this one above. 

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 39 of 51

While I appreciate moving the post to an existing thread, I would rather find the solution!  Looks like people have been asking for this for years with no movement by Square.  The data is already there, just let us pull it.  Not sure why they haven't solved the issue yet????

Message 40 of 51

I know that Shopkeep has this ability built in. I think VendPOS does too. The other weird thing is that I get emails from Square telling me my averages on certain days of the week during each month. That's using the exact data we're looking to be able to pull ourselves. You already have it built in to your automated emails!!!

Message 41 of 51

It's a strange reporting omission.  The value of this information is undeniable.

Message 42 of 51