
Can I backdate, edit, or delete a transaction?

The title of this post has been edited from the original:  Can you delete a transaction?

How do you delete a completed "Cash" transaction? I ran it just as a test.

Message 1 of 352
4 Verified Answers
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Re: Can I backdate or edit a transaction?

Hi @TheGlencafe,


Right now we have no plans to add the ability to backdate, delete or manipulate transaction information after a sale is complete. 


For context, the ability to manipulate transactions can cause issues for reporting and chargebacks. Also, it would make it easier for fraudsters and scammers to commit crimes using Square Point of Sale. 


If you have test cash transactions in your transaction history, you can always refund these payments to balance your books. See our help article on how to refund a payment.


Hopefully this has provided some transparency on this request, and why it's not available. 

Verified Answer

Re: Delete a sale record?

Hello @alexaiezza, welcome to the Seller Community! 


Currently adding the ability to delete a transaction is not on our road map. The reasoning behind this is we use this information to submit 1099-K's to the IRS. I'm not saying you would do this, but it would be easy to cook your books if this ability was available. 


Another request on this thread is to be able to void transactions so they don't show on reports. Currently we are in the process of collecting feedback for this request. I don't have a timeline on when it might be available. 


If you have any other questions please let me know! 

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Re: Can you delete a transaction?



I appreciate your feedback in regards to this. I know you've probably read this multiple times within the Seller Community, but we really do send customer feedback over to our Product Teams, and advocate for changes for you.


I absolutely agree that a void feature would help with training and testing, and also make reporting look a lot cleaner as well. You make a great point that with test payments, or payments made by mistake, nothing is ever actually sold, so your gross sales report shouldn't reflect a sale (which is what results when issuing a refund).


As you've alluded to in your previous post, there are two different requests within this thread. Some folks are looking for the ability to completely remove or delete a transaction, which isn't possible at this time. We don’t have any new information around whether or not this will ever become available.


The other option that folks are looking for, having an option to mark payments that have been completed as voided/cancelled rather than refunded, would help sellers a ton and we’ll continue to reiterate that to the team on your behalf.


We know this request is important to you, so as soon as there are updates that we’re able to share publicly, we will.


I hope this provides more clarity, and thank you all, again, for your feedback!


Verified Answer

Re: Can you delete a transaction?

Maybe the Square team can find a way to mark the transactions as Void, so that they do not affect sales totals, but neither are the transactions erased.

From an accounting standpoint, I can see why they would not let a transaction just be deleted. There has to be a documentation trail.


When I have to make test transactions, when I refund the transaction I make note that it was a test transaction and that is why it was refunded. There is also the "Accidental Charge" notation available.

Then when I download my sales reports, I sort the test transactions out and make a note in my saved spreadsheet.

1 Best Answer

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Hey @amoster.


Sorry to hear that happened 😔


Currently adding the ability to delete a transaction is not on our road map. While these accidents happen, we still can't offer all of our sellers the ability to delete transactions. For tax and IRS reporting, I'm sure you can imagine why.


Another request on this thread is to be able to void transactions so they don't show on reports. I don't have a timeline to share on when that may be available or if we plan to develop it. So sorry about that.


Thank you for your patience and understanding 

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Message 340 of 352
351 REPLIES 351

Hi Justin!

I did two test transactions on the Square app. I made some researches and I learned that I cannot erase those transactions... Is there a way to "rename" those two transactions on the Square dashboard? 


Thanks again Justin for all your help! 😉 

Message 316 of 352

Nice to hear from you again @julienemy! Sadly there isn't a way to name a transaction. If you're looking to delete a payment, your best best is refunding the transaction so your books are balancedbut you can refund them. 


I moved your second question to a more relevant thread



Community Moderator, Square
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Message 317 of 352

No there is no way to delete mistake transactions. No override feature no hide a transaction feature, nothing 

and they don’t care about it or you. This has been a complaint for a long time by many customers and nothing from Square to address it. Pathetic!!

Message 318 of 352

I have a question for the community. I totally understand that deleting a transaction can look bad. In no way do I want to delete the original transaction, but what about one done in error. I did just that, this morning, when I recorded payment for a customer thru the appointments app, then printed it out. Well, I had forgotten and then sent the customer a receipt thru the Estimates app showing that she paid the invoice. Twice! (This is beside the point, but I don't like that Estimates/Invoices don't sync together when scheduling. At least have options.) I look forward to hearing your thoughts and advice on how to correct this. Because it will throw my books off. Thanks All! 

Message 319 of 352

Just had my son who is 4 years old playfully do a cash sale of $65,000. No way to delete this...really??? Owned.

Message 320 of 352

@EJ_ , @nika  hello.  I note that you two have been on the threads about testing receipts and deleting transaction.  This issue has been alive since 2016.  I'm trying to confirm that there is no way to reset or 'start over' after buying the equipment, testing, and getting ready to open.  I'm a fish and chips place and I'm just stunned that since I'm not the first, there's no test mode.  POS Terminals from TD Bank, CIBC, and others 'have test mode', every accounting product on the planet has start over.  Heck, Weebly when it gets confused let's you at least reset the store (can't do other things but different story)


So, besides the love, besides the product team advocacy, what's the recommend testing process.  As a member of two restaurant associations, would it be helpful to create a warning, you may have a big problem with Square?  Would help, shall we say, motivate the developers/product guys?  I means seriously, test mode?  Hard?


Not personal to you, more fodder for you.  Do let me know if the public Square Warning would be helpful.  Totally happy to <cough> help.


Stay safe! 

Rick Segal
Message 321 of 352

Absolutely agree with this post. A test mode, or ability to delete transactions is ESSENTIAL.

Message 322 of 352

how can we reset / delete sale/ticket........ 

Message 323 of 352

This is a statement rather than a question. The inability to correct a transaction may be enough in the future to get me to switch to another POS company. When an employee rings up the wrong item and I can not go back later to correct that, it makes it impossible to keep inventory correct. This is a frustrating flaw in the square system 

Message 324 of 352

I have just installed Square and ran tests with my staff only to discover here that FOUR YEARS ON, YOU HAVE NOT ADDRESSED CUSTOMER CONCERNS on deleting test transactions. OUTRAGEOUS!! 

Message 325 of 352

I have a cash transaction hung in my transaction log and sits at the top every day. It's 4 months old. I can't delete it. And, it does not appear in my dashboard. I want tolog out and change some team permissions and I believe it is preventing me from logging out.

Message 326 of 352
Square Community Moderator



You are not able to delete transactions. However, you can balance your books by refunding your cash transaction. This should not prevent you from logging off as a Team Member. 


Let me know if you have any other questions. 

Community Moderator, Square // Moderadora de la Comunidad, Square
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Message 327 of 352

Just tried to do a trial run using my own card. It rejected it. Don’t want to try someone else’s card. How to I stop or delete this transaction 

Message 328 of 352

I transitioned most of my work from my own name to my new single-owner LLC. They're both owned by me, personally so what happened with one client isn't so disconcerting. But I don't know how to handle the transaction in terms of paperwork.


Issue 1/

I billed the client through my Square account, which is a business account that links to my business checking account. But when she paid, she made the check out to me, personally. My business bank would not take it so I had to deposit it to my personal account


Issue 2/

I billed client for the agreed upon amount but she added work to her order after we agreed on a price. It was easier to just stick to the original amount, but I did mention to client that normally, the bill would have been x. Glory be to God, client opted to pay me that higher amount. 


Yay on the client's generosity. But as for bookkeeping, I don't know how to handle the transactions that took place (billing and payment). 

Message 329 of 352

I also was wondering if a transaction error can be deleted?  I was trying to take a $300 credit card payment and it kept posting as cash.  So, now I have three transactions that are invalid.  We only use Square for credit card transactions and I have never had this issue before but my donor was becoming impatient so we ended up using PayPal.  Now I have $900 in error transactions on our square account.  : ( 

If your company cannot remedy this then that is a real shame and also might be a reason for customers to go elsewhere.


Message 330 of 352

This is definitely a deal breaker. I need to be able to manage charged transactions fully, including deleting mistakes, issuing credits and whatever else. It's stupid that Square will not allow these adjustments. 

Message 331 of 352

Yep this is a problem for us too.  Had an employee enter a $50k transaction (we refunded) but now all of our reports are a mess.  Cute software but probably only good for tiny vendors guessing we will leave it soon.   

Message 332 of 352

How do you refund or delete an old transaction? I paid the person out but I need to balance my books and you can create an invoice with negative amounts

Message 333 of 352

A member of my team left the tablet with square open facing the customer. A kid entered  a sales for $9,999,999.00. I'm so upset this messes with my real number and imports into quickbooks. All my trends and report are incorrect . How do I remove cash a payment that was added by mistake ?

Message 334 of 352

Hey, guys! I want you both to know I've merged your post with an existing thread that will help answer your questions. This is a feature request for now. Thank you!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 335 of 352

It seems I am having the same issue as many people on this thread; I tested the invoicing feature out as Square encouraged me to do, but I now have my income reporting incorrectly. How can I correct this?


It seems this has been an issue since 2016...

Message 336 of 352