
Permissions and nosy employees

After 5 years working with Square with no issues I suddenly have employees being nosy! We have 4 locations that share one log in for the app and sales. We do not have inventory.  We use square payroll and all employees have their own time clock code and use the team app.  Now we have a few that have figured out if the leave the "store" area of the app they can go in and see payroll and team info of the other employees.  Needless to say this has created a HUGE issue.  I don't know how to allow them time clock in/out screen and still be able to use the sales part of the app.  I prefer they only. clock in/out on the device at the location and not their personal devices as we have had issues in the past with employees not even being on site when they are supposedly working.  Any ideas is much appreciated!

Message 1 of 9
Square Champion

@ClermontBoatR Sorry to hear about your less that trustworthy employees.  That’s never fun or easy to deal with.


First, the Team App.  I assume that you already have gone gone to Team -> Settings -> Clock in/out and toggled off “Clock in/out from Team app.”  If not, you can do that now.


Before I answer your other questions and give you pointers on how to lock down your account access, I need to clarify.  When you say:


Now we have a few that have figured out if the leave the "store" area of the app they can go in and see payroll and team info of the other employees”


What exactly do you mean by they leave the “store” area of the app?  And which app are they doing this in?


Once I see your answers we will go from there and should be able to quickly resolve this.


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Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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Message 2 of 9

We are using the POS app on an Ipad/tablet and the stand alone terminal for sales.  I didn't even know that was an option on the team app!  I am looking into that now 

Message 3 of 9
Square Champion

Yes I would definitely recommend turning off the function that allows them to clock in and out on their phones through the team app. 

As for the POS We have each employee with their own employee code, this would be the same code they use to clock in and they have to enter that code to initiate a sale, but it doesn't affect the way we do tips. Do you divy up your tips in a specific way since you were saying they use the same log in for the POS for splitting tips?

Lovewell Tea & Coffee//
Ventura, Ca

Message 4 of 9
Square Champion

It sounds like you're using one log in for the "POS" and they're navigating to stuff like payroll. You can edit your permissions here


If f you want a shared team log in for sales you can create one without any of the admin side of things. You really shouldn't let them use the master log in which would let them modify the settings or edit sensitive information.


If you don't mind me asking why not have a separate log in for each team member? Wouldn't it help with tracking sales and the admin side of things if there are issues? It's pretty easy to set up each team member when you're adding them for payroll/time keeping and you can have a set of shared permissions....

Please Require Customers to pick time/date at checkout for Square online. Thanks!
Message 5 of 9

They can't all have a seperate log in for sales as the share a device and split tips received.  Yes they have been sharing a log in for sales side and each has their own time clock code.  Is there a stand alone time clock app for square? 

Message 6 of 9
Square Champion

So it seems the best option would be to set up a shared log in with limited permissions, it sounds like you're currently using the master log in for them and they're accessing data you don't want them to have?


They should be able to use the Square POS to clock in and out and then log in using a shared code with limited permissions.


Please Require Customers to pick time/date at checkout for Square online. Thanks!
Message 7 of 9

Do you know how to allow employees to clock in and out of the Square POS (we also run payroll through Square), but not see ALL the sales on the shared POIS?

I want to suppress the employees seeing the totals on the shared POS. One nosey person even hit transfer now on the POS and sent the funds immediately costing me more money.

Any ideas?

Message 8 of 9
Square Champion

@Bodacious ;

Use Team Permissions and give each person a 4 digit pin to sign in.  This way you could let managers etc see everyones hours and each employee not be able to see financials.




What I did when I first started is I had 2 permission sets

1) Owner   passcode 1234

2) (Store Name)   passcode 5678

for example.


Owner sign-in could see everything, Store Name could not see anything except what was needed for a sale, discount or refund.


Since you have each person signing in with a passcode for payroll you should be able to have different shared permissions so all Cashiers can have XYZ rules while stock employees would not need access to cash drawers for example.


Pocono Candle

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Message 9 of 9