

We are a fine dining restaurant. We have three printers - one in the kitchen (Ethernet connected), one at the servers station (USB connected to a Square Stand), and one at the bar (USB connected to a Square Stand).


The only printer that is "visible" to both stations is the kitchen (Ethernet-connected) printer. 


I need the server's station to be able to send BAR tickets to the BAR printer (which is a Star TSP143, USB-connected to the Square Stand at the bar) ... but when I look up printers at the Server's station, ALL I CAN SEE is the Kitchen (Ethernet) and the USB printer which is physically connected at the Server's Station.


PLEASE TELL ME that there is a way to "share" the USB-connected printers with multiple stations/Square Stands!!!


If there is not a way to share these printers, that is a SERIOUS FLAW.


(By the way, I do not currently have an option to add Ethernet-connected printers at these two stations. I tried using a wifi bridge and an ethernet printer, but could not keep it consistenyl connected. I JUST BOUGHT these two Star USB printers ... and expected to be able to share them among all stations.)




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Sorry to hear about the trouble here, @notpaul. Unfortunately, Ethernet printers are the only printers that are shareable over your network since they connect to your internet router. USB printers do not have the functionality to connect to your internet and require a physical connection as they were built as a "plug and play" option. Because the printer model you mentioned only has one USB port, it can only be connected to one Square Stand at a time. This is a choice made by the manufacturer and not Square.


If your network connection is the only roadblock in getting your Ethernet printers up and running, an option for you might be to check out a company called Boomtown. Boomtown can send a local technician onsite to set up your Square hardware, network and provide technical support for your business. They might be able to find a better network set up for you that gets you a stronger connection.


Hope that helps!

Puka - She/They
Seller Community UX Designer
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