
My Story Isn't Showing Up in Stories Section

My story is on my story page when I preview my website, but not when I publish it. What am I doing wrong?

Message 1 of 46

same issue here. really hope it gets fixed


Message 43 of 46

I posted extensively on a different thread. 

This is ludicrous and I am asking for $ compensation starting from the day it stopped working. It’s still not fixed. 

I’ve been using the Stories page for a year. This is the first time this has happened, and it’s not user error. 

In the editing view, the 2 stories I added are there. In the Published (public, live) view, they are simply not there, but all the others are still there.


The suggestion to call directly makes no sense, if it’s happening to everyone. I’ll do it when I have time anyway, but where is the Square/Weebly message saying this is a bug being worked on? ...buried in comment replies in a string in the Community. 

I have lost revenue and accountability. These Stories were to promote something that happened last weekend. I spent hours adding them, and they are useless now.


This is pushing me over the edge as the bug that finally broke the dam of frustration. 

Message 44 of 46

Hope this helps. This is what I did to fix the issue of the story page showing in the preview, but not when the site is published. 


Step 1: Click on the navigation link section and move your cursor over your story link (mine is labeled "About"). With your cursor hovering over the story link click 'edit navigation link'. This will show you what your link is named (mine is named About). Whatever it is named here it must match exactly with the name in the next step.

Screenshot (24).png

Step 2:

From the 'Page: Home' section scroll all the way down on the left to the story page. Put your cursor on the story page you want to check (mine is called "a grandmother's inspiration") and click the 3 dots ...

Select 'view page settings'.


This is the important step. Under Page URL make sure that whatever is entered here matches exactly what you entered in the site navigation link in Step 1. I had to change this from 'a grandmother's inspiration' to 'about'. Once I did that the link worked and it showed up on the published site.

Screenshot (25).png


Message 45 of 46

This worked for me, but it's the dumbest work around ever. Now all of my menu links look like urls instead of being easily understood navigation links. My sub menu items under STORIES have to be in all lower case and have hyphens between all the words. I tried making them just a single word so it looks better, but it still has to be lower case and a single word doesn't give the viewer enough info to understand what the post is about. 


I'm glad to have found a solution to get the blog posts to show up, but what an enormous pain to have to navigate to two different places and use tense that makes no sense to the viewer just to get something as simple as a blog post to show on the site. It's like Square is trying to be too many things to everyone which has watered down everything they do. Jack of all trades, master of none. 

Message 46 of 46