Beta Member

Is there a way to prompt employees to ask customers for information at checkout?

With the holidays approaching and sales ramping up, I'm looking for a way to collect customer information at the time of checkout. I know how to add/link customers to a sale thru the Register, but I'd really like a way to prompt my employees to collect this information with each sale. Currently, they just have to try to remember to ask the customer, and that only happens about 5% of the time. Is there a way to prompt for customer information or require minimum information (i.e. zip code) at checkout? Its important for me to have this information so (1) I can follow-up with my customers to find out more about their shopping experience and (2) I can have a better handle on demographics etc. for marketing campaigns and business growth. 

Message 1 of 8
Square Champion



I don't believe it is possible to make it mandatory.


Also I don't think a lot of the customers will want to give out first and last name and other personal information at the checkout.  I don't know what you're selling but I know I wouldn't if I'm just checking out at a Retail store, if it's a big ticket item or something then I could see it.  most will give mobile phone number for tracking rewards probably though.

Message 2 of 8
Beta Member

Thanks for the feedback!


Sorry if my question wasn't clear - I don't want make it mandatory for customers; rather make it mandatory/create a prompt for employees to ask the customers for their information. I didn't think it was possible either but wasn't 100% sure. 

Message 3 of 8

No you cannot make it mandatory should you wish to stay in business. That's pretty arrogant on your part as a small business owner. Number one rule in business is never get caught selling. People hate to feel as if they are being sold to. Furthermore that means not even thinking about cramming stuff down their throat like making it mandatory to input THEIR personal information. Here's a thought, stop being Lazy and offer your customers an incentive for inputing their email or phone number. Like 10% off followed by a "like or "share" on social media. This isn't China this is America. 

Message 4 of 8
Beta Member

Clearly, you did not read the full question or the entire string where I clarified the intent of my question. (I am new to the community, and was still trying to figure out how to edit my subject line so it better reflected the content of the full question - which I was just able to figure out a few moments ago). While I appreciate the time you took to provide feedback and input, you sir or madame, have been very quick to jump to conclusions and make some pretty nasty claims while knowing nothing about my business nor taking the time to understand the question at hand. I certainly hope that you do not treat your employees and/or customers with the level of disrepect that you have demonstrated here, and that in the future you avoid namecalling in all facets of life. As a society, we should build each other up and not tear each other down. Be part of the solution - not part of the problem. Thank you!

Message 5 of 8
Square Champion




Sorry you had to be on the receiving end of his post after a bad day at work or something.


We all are here to help one another so don't take their inappropriate post as an example of what we offer here.

Message 6 of 8
Beta Member

Thank you @VanKalkerFarms!

Message 7 of 8
Square Champion




Please keep the posts here helpful and not rude or disparaging.  We are here to help one another not rip each other down.

Message 8 of 8