
Is there a way to NOT allow discounts on specific items?

Is there a way to NOT allow discounts on specific items?

I give my staff a discount on products but I do not want to allow a discount on travel size items.  Is there a way to mark them so they can not be discounted?

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: How do I restrict all discounts on purchases of alcohol?

It sounds like you would like the ability to restrict specific items from discounts, @burrito 🌯 
While this is not currently possible, you are able to select the categories and items that discounts apply to.

  1. I would first recommend creating a category from your Dashboard to house all of your alcoholic beverages in.
  2. Next, you'll create or edit a discount via your Discounts page.
    While here, toggle ON the Discount rules option in the Automatic discount section:

  3. You'll want to select the Item or category option in the pop-up that appears here:

  4. Next, you can select all categories that you would like the discount to apply to.
    Be sure not to select the category you created for your alcoholic beverages!


Please let us know if this isn't quite what you were looking to do, and we can dig in a bit more 

Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to NOT allow discounts on specific items?

Hi @salon208 — welcome to the seller community! ✌🏻


Thanks for surfacing this. Currently, we don't offer the option to restrict discounts on specific items, though I can see how this feature would be helpful for many businesses like yours.


I'll be sharing your suggestion with our Product Liaison team, who is constantly working to improve our products based on seller feedback. We'll certainly circle back with any other developments that may be useful.


Please keep in touch for updates and if you have any other questions, let us know!

189 Replies

Hi @salon208 — welcome to the seller community! ✌🏻


Thanks for surfacing this. Currently, we don't offer the option to restrict discounts on specific items, though I can see how this feature would be helpful for many businesses like yours.


I'll be sharing your suggestion with our Product Liaison team, who is constantly working to improve our products based on seller feedback. We'll certainly circle back with any other developments that may be useful.


Please keep in touch for updates and if you have any other questions, let us know!

We are very interested in this also.


We are a small non--profit that sells some merchandise but also uses Square for Events and Membership purchase. We would like to restrict discounts to only apply to merchandise categories.


If I want to offer a special rate for a specific event, I would rather use variable prices. 


Can you provide any insight into when Square might provide this function, something like a 'Disable Discounts' toggle on a Category or Item level? Is there another way we could handle this?


We've tried to handle this procedurally but that hasn't been successful overall. We've had some lost revenue and every dollar counts!




I'll second this.  We offer discounts to members on merchandise but not concession items.  It would be awesome to restrict an entire category from a discount.

I'd love this feature as well.  I am a gallery/gift/yarn shop.  Some of the items I sell are on consignment, and cannot be discounted.  This would help alleviate employee error

@Tom This would be very useful for us too!

Hello @Cfrohrbach, @jjgard, @BluePelicanOBX, and @SAWbeer


I just wanted to follow up and thank all of you for your input and feedback! I've made sure to pass along all of your posts to the product team! If we have any updates, @Tom or I will  make an announcement! 😀

We give a member discount on almost all purchases. However we do not ever want discounts on donations or memberships. Is there a way to code those items ineligible for discounts?


This is a great question.  We are unable to do a Food/Drink special in one item because in our area food it taxed and alcohol is not so our collected tax amount is thrown off.  Add to that a Happy Hour discount and it just creates a mess.

It's not too big a deal for us to take the discount off when a membership or donation is combined with merchandise. However, all our workers are volunteers, so I like to make it as simple as I can. One of them suggested I make those items non-discountable, but I don't seem to be able to do it. We couldn't with our previous system, either, but it would be a great feature.

Square Community Moderator

@FAMI Hi there, and sorry for the late response. 


I've moved your post to this existing thread. As you can see, this is a pretty popular feature request among sellers. 


While it's not available at the moment, our Product Team is actively tracking feature requests for discounts in particular, so I'll let them know about your interest in this as well. 


if we make any changes, we'll update everyone.