
How would I show my customers order wait time or how long an item takes to build?

I'm working on setting up my square website but I cant seem to find an option that tells my customer how long an order takes, from what I can see I can only change the item prep time and that's only up to one day of prep. For context I build custom fishing rods and each build takes anywhere from a few days to two or three weeks depending on complexity and parts availability and I'm trying to find a way that'll express that when someone is building their rod on my page. I don't want someone to place an order and show up at my house an hour later expecting their rod to be build.

I'm thinking maybe have it where when someone clicks the link to an item it'll take them to a page that show the current wait time that they have to acknowledge before it takes them to the item page.

Travis Tallent
Message 1 of 2
Square Champion

I put a little blerb in my check out screen that say "ordrs will be delivered x if placed by y. If any changes occur to this we will reach out"

Message 2 of 2