
How to manually make a Turbo Tax report

I am trying to understand exactly what Square exports to TurboTax. There are no options to manually save or export this information. The yearly sales summary does not show taxable vs. non-taxable sales, which is one thing I need. I think there are some other items as well. Does anyone know how to manually recreate this report, or what items are included?

Message 1 of 8
Square Champion

I am not sure what all your looking for but if you go to Square Dashboard - Reports -Taxes you can export a small sheet


If this is what your looking for:



You can select the date range for the report and does show taxable and non taxable sales.


Pocono Candle

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Message 2 of 8

Thanks for the reply. That's helpful, but not entirely what I need. I would also like to recreate the square report so I can look the data that will be there before the 31st.

Message 3 of 8
Square Champion

Well on the Square Dashboard - Reports -Taxes you can specify the date range.  Now I am not sure what you mean by you need to see it before the 31st,  Since January ends on the 31st, you can easily see last year's full report by choosing Last Year to the right of my Red circle after pressing the date in my image of 01/08/2023.




Where the red circle is you can enter the Start Date of the time frame your looking for and then under End you can enter the Ending Date.  After choosing those date you can either view it on the screen or export it as a csv file but it will only show up like my previous reply unless you format as you want it.

Pocono Candle

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Message 4 of 8

I think my 1st post and response were unclear. I am new to this forum. Square won't link to turbo tax until after Jan. 31st. I'm trying to do things before that date. I'll rephrase the question.


Does anybody know what exactly is in the report that Square sends to Turbo Tax?



Message 5 of 8
Square Champion

@hotrune ;

So just so I understand;  

Turbo Tax and Square do not currently link but will as of Jan 31st 2023.

You are asking a forum of users what something looks like or is sent to TurboTax of something no one here has access to because it will not exist till Jan 31st 2023.


You may want to go to a Turbo Tax Forum and see what Turbo Tax imports from Ebay, PayPal, or other sales channels to get an idea what might be imported from Square to Turbo Tax in the future.


The Links I sent you and those instructions before would give the data that would be sent to Turbo Tax just unformatted as a CSV file.  Squares Data is transferred to other systems through csv file data.


Now which Data Turbo tax shows you may not all be everything Square Sends to TurboTax.  All the tax information you would need from Square can be downloaded as a csv to import to most other tax software.  Just the process of importing a csv to Turbo Tax would have to be figured out.

 Again you would need to go to a Turbo Tax forum to see how to import a CSV file and which files or information you would need to import to turbo tax.


I just did a quick Google Search which came up with the link here:



Pocono Candle

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Message 6 of 8

If you don't know, you don't know. That's fine.

Somebody who has used Square/TurboTax in the past would know, as they have been linking for years.


Does anybody know what exactly is in the report that Square sends to Turbo Tax?

Message 7 of 8
Square Champion

I am not sure what information you are looking for that can not be downloaded into a csv file.  I download 2 files to import via csv to QuickBooks.  The files are merged to build the data I want for QuickBooks.   Square has alot of API's and depending on what information is being asked for by the API that Turbo Tax developers build and how often it connects to your Square account will define the type of data you get.  There are even tutorials here in Square for you to build your own API to have your data exported to, or requested by other programs.  


Your original Question was how to get tax data Manually.... that would need to be done by you logging in on Square, downloading reports, taxes, sales data , etc and then either using Turbo Tax to import the csv file or you Manually typing in the data.  

All the Data that Square Sends to Turbo Tax, is all the Data you have access to on your dashboard.  The real question is what data is Turbo Tax going to request and display to you.  QuickBooks can have different amounts of data entered to keep track of your financials like Turbo Tax.   Some people with QuickBooks like a Detailed report in QuickBooks.  So I have EVERY transaction imported with Transaction Date, Deposit Date, Deposit Number, Transaction ID, Payment ID, Item Sold, Discount I offered, Squares Fee, Sales Tax, Type of Payment (cash visa MC Discover), Customers ID, Customer Name and then the Net that will be Deposited for that transaction.  Others just have the Daily Summary imported to QuickBooks which may give the Total Sales, Total Sales Tax, Total Square Fees, and then the Net that you would receive.  This is why it is hard to answer your question.  You stated Square would not Link to Turbo Tax till the 31st, so I was thinking Turbo Tax has not made the API to link to Square yet.  Now your saying people have been linking the 2 for years.  Are they linking them manually and typing the data in by hand, are they exporting CSV files and importing them, or are they using some software to do it for them either manually or automatically.  There are people here that just get their daily Sales Summary from Square on a Screen and type those few number into their accounting software so they have no added fees.  


So to help YOU out better:

1) Are you trying to find certain data to type into Turbo Tax?

2) Are you looking for a Program or API that Links to Square and TurboTax and to see what all can or will be automatically transferred?

3) Do you know what the program is that links Square and TurboTax to ask what data can be transferred by that program?

Square to QuickBooks has about 10 different APP integrations on the 1st page, and each one puts in different types of information to QuickBooks from what I have seen in these forums and online.  All depends again how detailed the business owner wants to be.


I actually down load 2 csv files (Transactions Details and Items files) and use Power Query in Excel to make 1 csv file of all the data I need for my accounting software import. I mention this because if you have turbo tax and can import a csv file, you can download all of Squares Reports and sales data you want into an excel spread sheet and use Power Query to turn out one CSV file in less than 10 minutes a night.   Once you have the Power Query set up, you delete the previous days csv files, download the new ones to a folder and then open your spreadsheet, press refresh data and bam your new csv file is ready to import to TurboTax.  This would also not make you wait till the 31st.  

Pocono Candle

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Message 8 of 8