
How do I take the square chip reader out of the dock? I need to Bluetooth connect to a new device!

Message 1 of 16
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

@stampinjayne - So sorry to hear! I went ahead and threw together a GIF for you. 



Pro tip: make sure that you are pulling straight up (I had been trying to slide it back at first). 


I hope this helps! 

Product Manager | Square, Inc.

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Message 4 of 16

You first need to take out the securing bar on top of the dock, and then the Reader can be unplugged from the dock. 


This video has the setup, so just follow the steps in reverse: 



Hope that helps!

Message 2 of 16

I have watched the video and it shows how to take the support bar off and put the reader into the dock BUT it does not show how to take the support bar off to remove the reader from the dock. I know it should be simple enough to do but the support bar to  my dock is not budging. Is there a trick to sliding it off? Thanks 🐵

Message 3 of 16

Best Answer

@stampinjayne - So sorry to hear! I went ahead and threw together a GIF for you. 



Pro tip: make sure that you are pulling straight up (I had been trying to slide it back at first). 


I hope this helps! 

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 4 of 16

Thanks so much for the post and the GIF! I was starting to think that the 2 were mated for good. 🙂


I'd like to provide feedback to Square on this one. Even after watching the GIF and playing with it for a while, it's almost impossible to separate the two. Really poor design IMHO.

Message 5 of 16

@4himdesigns - Glad to hear it was helpful. 😀 


While our engineers wanted to secure the reader pretty tightly, it's valid feedback. We'll be sure to pass it along!


Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 6 of 16

Hi -

Giving you more feedback- I also had this same issue. Not able to get the back ridge off!  I've not got strong nails, and a dime doesn't seem to work either. Its way way way tight. For now I might just let it stay in the dock. I agree that the design element of getting the reader out of the dock is lacking. Otherwise its great.

Message 7 of 16

@parkermcp23 - Thanks for sharing your experience, and sorry to hear about the trouble. Did you have a chance to check out my gif? Are you pull the tab are pulling straight up? I'll admit that my natural instinct was to slide it back. 

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 8 of 16

Yes, thank you. I did. I did finally get it off. Its way tight- but with each successful take off, put back on- its easier to do. I like to pack it back up in the box when not in use. Sure worked great for me this weekend at my fair event. Thanks!

Message 9 of 16

@parkermcp23 - Glad to hear you were able to get things sorted out. 👍

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 10 of 16

Dear Square. It is now 2018. Several years after the initial post. You MUST change the design of the chip reader as it fits into the dock. Seperating the two pieces is a cumbersome and nearly impossible task.


One set of instructions relates that we should "stick your finger" into the slot above the USB cord. There is no way that ones finger can really be stuck into the slot. And the attached GIF makes it look as if the person is simply touching the back of the dock then pulling up. This is inaccurate.


I was only able to remove the reader from the dock by inserting the rounded side of a plastic, coated paperclip DIRECTLY into the slot above the USB cord. Then fought and lifted for several minutes to PULL UP to release the reader from the dock. It was ridiculiously tight.


There is no way to touch the POWER or PAIR button without removing the reader from the dock. This aspect needs modification.


1. Stick something that will not scratch into the slot above the USB.

2. Lift up, possibly sticking the paperclip or dime into the small openings that will eventually appear as the pieces begin to seperate from each other.

3. Continue to increase the opening with the paperclip or dime (GENTLY, do not force or break).

4. Continue to attempt to pull the reader upwards away from the dock (not OUTWARDS or BACKWARDS).

5. Attain success after several minutes of feeling like a failure for not being able to perform a simple task. BONUS POINTS if this all takes place in front of a customer.

Message 11 of 16

Ok, new to Square reader, and the fact that I need to (painstakingly)  take out the reader from the dock in order to turn it on is quite ridiculous. I thought I'd read somewhere that the device will pair with your phone even if in the dock? I cannot get that to happen at all?? 

Message 12 of 16

Hey @ChrisAUK1 !


Welcome to the Seller Community 


You can connect the reader via bluetooth to your device, and then insert it into the dock. It will remain connected to your device unless you turn off bluetooth or forget the device. 


We realize it's not ideal that you cannot press the bluetooth/on+off button on the reader while it's in the dock. Our hardware product team has definitely taken note of this feedback.


Most folks who have a Square Stand just connect to the dock and reader via the USB hub. What is your set up like? 


Perhaps one of our Super Sellers has a suggestion:


@alexandriak @Dbw2048 @Donnie-M @Goldneye

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Message 13 of 16
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Thanks for the tag! @ChrisAUK1  my bluetooth reader will connect to my iPhone 11 pro while in the dock the last time I checked though I will admit I don't use it like that at all except during extremely busy times and even then it's only for a sale or two. 

You could take it out of the dock and connect it via USB to your stand if you have one which would solve all of your issues. I'm almost positive I've used the reader in the dock and thru my phone and without the dock thru my phone.

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Message 14 of 16
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Hey Chris, I have 1 square stand with a reader in dock and a 2nd ipad with a square reader just hooked up to a usb power supply.  I recently had to order a new replacement power supply for our stand so I had the reader and the dock hooked up just to a usb power hub (see picture) that I picked up at best buy.  Once I paired the reader with the ipad I never had to remove it again.


When the card readers are continually powered on they do not "lose" the pairing.  The great thing is, if I want to manually "power on the reader"  All I have to do is unplug and plug in the USB cable and whammo it powers on.


The easy way to test the blue tooth connection with your ipad and reader is to go and ring up and item and hit "charge" if the lights on the front of the reader do no come on the connection is no bueno.  Just plug and unplug the USB cord and it should fix the problem.



p.s.  With android tablets, your mileage may vary.  They are not as reliable blue tooth as apple products unfortunately.



The key thing is keeping power to the reader.

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Message 15 of 16
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2021 now, I just struggled to get the back piece off of mine for 15 minutes before finally being able to pop it off with a dime.  It is completely impossible to remove with just my finger.  So now if I'm sitting out an art festival with a client ready to make a $5000 purchase I can't accept their payment unless I remember to bring a dime or can find someone to borrow one from.  How professional.  This needs to be fixed, badly.

Message 16 of 16