
How do I download/generate monthly statements?

How do I download, or otherwise generate, monthly statements?

Message 1 of 60
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hello @bobsmithagency, thanks for bringing this up. I wanted to circle back on this question and clarify that we do not currently offer monthly statements, but you can access your sales activity for any period of time from your Sales Summary tab.


In addition, you can download your transaction history. For step-by-steps on this, have a look at our Support Center.


Rest assured that I'll be passing your post over to our Reporting team so they can make improvements based on your feedback. Please don't hesitate to reply with any other questions!

️ Tom | he/him
Square Community Program Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 2 of 60

Best Answer

Hello @bobsmithagency, thanks for bringing this up. I wanted to circle back on this question and clarify that we do not currently offer monthly statements, but you can access your sales activity for any period of time from your Sales Summary tab.


In addition, you can download your transaction history. For step-by-steps on this, have a look at our Support Center.


Rest assured that I'll be passing your post over to our Reporting team so they can make improvements based on your feedback. Please don't hesitate to reply with any other questions!

️ Tom | he/him
Square Community Program Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 2 of 60

Will this feature be implemented any time in the near future? I would like to use Square for my entire business but without this feature I would have to manually create statements for customers, some with over 30 purchases per month. 

Message 3 of 60

Hi @SDSHAFT - Unfortunately, we don't have any updates on if/when this feature will be available. However, we will make sure to forward your feedback as well and we will update this thread with any news.

Puka - She/They
Seller Community UX Designer
Message 4 of 60

@SDSHAFT Thanks for posing this question.  @puka Thanks for answering this question.  If Square won't be creating a feature for monthly statements anytime soon, I will be taking my entire business elsewhere.  That is ridiculous not to offer that very basic feature for a real business to run.  Good luck.

Message 5 of 60

Hey @businessowner9 - Definitely sorry to see you go, but we understand we cannot meet every business's needs at the moment they need it. We always encourage our Sellers to do what they feel is in the best interest of their business even if it means moving away from Square products. We wish you continued growth and success!

Puka - She/They
Seller Community UX Designer
Message 6 of 60

Is this still a feature not offered with square?  I like what the software has to offer but would need to be able to generate statements and track outstanding sales.

Message 7 of 60

@bloomincrazy I think there are two requests in this thread! Square doesn't send monthly statements but you can generate and download sales reports for a specific date range (e.g. one monthn) from an online Square Dashboard. 


However, it sounds like you might looking for monthly statements to send your customers. Is that correct? If you're using Square Invoices there is a new Outstanding Invoices Report that might help. If you don't use Square Invoices can you reply here with a bit more information about your business, how you take payments, and how often you need to reach out to customers about outstanding sales? 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 8 of 60

For me, I want a statement similar to a bank or credit card statement that simply shows start and end balance and each transaction date, what it was and how much it was, whether debit or credit. This is really the most frustrating part of using Square and, yes, I know about the reports and downloading a csv and they are annoying, hard to read and use. I agree with the other man commenting above that this lack of feature seems unprofessional of Square and a simple tool that most any accounting system needs. Why doesn't Square offer this? It's been years that I've been patiently waiting and I'm considering using just PayPal or another payment system and getting away completely from Square because it's made my accounting so hard.

Message 9 of 60
Square Community Moderator

Hi @SarahHeartsong. Thanks for adding your voice here.


I hear you. The frustration you are experiencing with this has obviously impacted your business, and we appreciate you being steadfast.


To be clear, you are wanting a header on top of a printed statement that gives your starting and ending 'balance' for the month even after deposits, correct? I think our approach with not adding this feature is that balances are quickly deposited every business day, making balance a fluid number that changes rapidly. I will definitely pass this over to our Product Team as a Feature Request to be considered for the future.


If I seemed to have missed the mark in fully understanding your feedback, let me know! I want to make sure you voice is heard by our team on this. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 10 of 60

I want a report that can easily be generated (a button on top so we don't have to search a lot would be helpful) that has start and end balance, even if it's 0, although there are going to be times when things sell on the 31st and are deposited in the new month. This is because all of the accounting systems I use and have used ask for this info to reconcile and Square doesn't electronically integrate with all of them, nor is the current method of getting this info easy at all, and doesn't give that begin/end balance from 1st to 30/31st.

Message 11 of 60


Any update on if this will be implemented?  The small business I'm working for is requesting statements and the excel files will not work for what the accountant needs.  I'd be disappointed to have to move both this business and my own personal business away from Square if this isn't rectified.

Message 12 of 60

We also need a nice, clear monthly statement for our account reconciliation. Even being able to print the TRANSACTION screen would do the trick for us. Rright now, when you try to print that screen, the print out only shows the 13 transactions that are currently on screen, not the 93 that I have made this month!

Message 13 of 60


StThereseInst -


You can download a CSV file on the transaction page of your transactions for the month instead of "print screen" the page.  On the page to the left, there is a date range you can choose, as an entire month, then you can export the transactions, item summary, or item detail.


But my accountant needs more than an edited Excel file!

Message 14 of 60
Square Community Moderator

Thanks for adding these tips here, @yandj

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 15 of 60

I'm a CPA.  My small business clients struggle with this.  This lack of monthly statements has been completely ridiculous for years.  Square needs to provide monthly statements.  Square is a bank. 


When a customer makes a credit card purchase at a boutique, that is the boutique's money at that moment...  Square just happens to be holding onto it.  Accountants and tax authorities want to know how much of the boutique's money Square has at the end of a period (month, quarter, or year).


I am positive that Square has this information.  They have to track it as a liability in their balance sheet.

Message 16 of 60

Square-Statement-1.jpgI ended up coding a web page that I can upload my monthly CSV file to and have it spit out a traditional looking paper statement the way that I want it to look, with the data we need to see.


I can provide the url if anyone wants to try it with their data, but a) it is not customizable without me altering code; b) you have to trust me that I'm not stealing your data (which I'm not, but you have to take my word for it); c) I can't guarantee that it is 100% error free (although I fix any bugs that I find); and d) I code it live online, so you could end up bumping into bugs or something I'm working on changing or implementing if you visit it at the right moment (but I can post a warning note when I'm working on it).


It is something that Square really should be providing (imao) as I personally know many merchants that want to see the statement and not just rely on everything happening automatically through APIs and software integration.


For us, we are a non-profit charity with annual audits, and being able to give the auditor a piece of paper with everything on it makes the audit process so much smoother. Otherwise, we're having to log them into this website and that website (and re-log them in after the website times out) and teach them how to find what they need etc. every time.


edit: Here's the PHP code I wrote to do this https://github.com/StThereseInstitute/SquareStatementGenerator. Feel free to modify and make it better, but please keep the © credit intact 🙂

Message 17 of 60

Wow thats awesome .. Would you be willing to do that for us . we are not that great at code like this .. would be happy to pay for your time on this 


Message 18 of 60

@StThereseInst I need help with this and need to create a statement. Are you working on yours or can I create mine? New to this but desperate for a "statement" style report. Is it easy to use? I simply need the past two months. 

Message 19 of 60

@yandj -- Needing more than an excel spreadsheet is exactly our problem too. I built my own csv -> statement creator (see my post above).

Message 20 of 60


Do you use GitHub to open-source this?  If you can or know how, you can drop the source code into GitHub and people can download it to customize it for themselves if you are OK with it.

If you did drop it in GitHub or another open-source provider, let us know!

Message 21 of 60
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