
How and where to make a no refund policy?

Hello im new to this and would like to know where to start on making a no refund policy on squareup? I dont sell products but offer service, tattoos and piercing , recently have a woman disputed a payment and i didnt have a no refund policy so just trying to avoid for it to happen again. Thank you

Message 1 of 3
Square Champion

Hello @macsu  welcome to the world of Square! 🙂


You can set up your refund policy on your web dashboard:


Dashboard -> Account & Settings -> Business Information -> Receipt

Scroll down to the Additional Text section and fill in your refund policy here.


For online sales, it should pull your refund information from your receipt screen, but I recommend verifying that your info transferred over:

Dashboard -> Online -> Settings -> Checkout

Scroll down to the Store Policies section


Hope this helps!

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 2 of 3

Hi Macsu,


As pointed out by @ryanwanner, you can add a "No Refund" policy to both your receipts and checkout screens however, there's no guarantee doing so is protection for you, but still this is a "good business practice".  Just be clear with your policy as to why you have a "No Refunds".    Square does have info concerning Chargebacks - see this info.


The downside is - it's up to the customer's credit card issuer and/or bank to make the final decision and sadly in many scenarios, the decision favors the customer and/or buyer.   A customer or buyer can report an unauthorized purchase, a defective product or item or failure to provide advertised services.  Note, you do or should have the opportunity to file a counter explanation on your behalf with credit card issuer and/or bank.  


Something to consider.  Having a flexible refund policy in place allows you to negotiate with the customer and/or buyer by offering other solutions, i.e., shop or service credit (Gift Cards, etc.) or an item exchange, etc.   Doing so could possibly prevent the customer or buyer from filing a complaint against you.


If all else fails, you have the option to take legal action against the individual (theft of service, etc.) but, you have to have proof meaning documentation and/or facts which takes your time and money.  Bottom line, is it worth it ?


Just some thoughts from past experiences of course as there's no perfect solution.  The good news is there are many more honest customers or buyers out there than not so honest customers or buyers.  


All the best,







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