
Feature Request: Ability to view open tickets on the Square Dashboard

Feature Request: Ability to view open tickets on the Square Dashboard

I would like to be able to monitor open tickets from my Dashboard on my desktop in my office, is there a way to add this to my dashboard or view open tickets from here?

46 Replies
Square Champion

Open tickets can only be viewed from a device running Square POS.  What I have seen other people do is add a used iPad for $100 or something similar to their office just for working on the grid layout and viewing open tickets etc.

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I would like to request that the ability to view open tickets on the Square Dashboard be added. I believe others have brought this up. Thanks!


Thanks @Amanda_Bierock! This is a request we're tracking. Would this feature help you in a particular way? I'd love to share your feedback with the product teams! 

I would also like to request this feature. We have a delivery route that I would like to use with open tickets.  Open tickets work great for interacting with the customer upon pickup at the delivery site.  However, I would also like the ability to export all open tickets so that I can ensure that my inventory for that day is accurate. Thanks!

It would allow me to keep an eye on my bar/restaurant via just my laptop. Currently I'll go between checking out transactions on my laptop and viewing open tickets on my smartphone to see how busy we currently are etc. It is annoying to be going between devices and obviously just easier on the eyes using a full laptop screen.

I would love this feature! We have to create tickets for our drivers from the office and having to switch to a mobile device constantly creates a bottleneck often.

The ability to view open tickets on the dashboard would be a fantastic feature.  I too, find a need to look over a ticket every so often, but also can judge what kind of business there is while in the office.  It would also be helpful to see unsettled credit card transactions in detail in the Transaction screen in the dashboard!  In fact, having the ability to emulate the entire POS within the dashboard would be EXTREMELY helpful!!!

Square Community Moderator

Hi @VBGController,


Thank you for taking the time to leave this detailed feedback on being able to see POS options in the Dashboard.


I'll let the Product team know you're looking for these features. 

I need to be able to monitor and edit etc. open tickets on the dash board  A must for me.

I would also like to see this. Small clock shop here and having the ability for my office helper to see them and keep track of them would be great. Guess i'll have to pony up for another ipad.