
Event Booking Overlapping Time

I'm exploring the option of using Square Appointments to book events at our facility.  Parties may last from the start time chosen by the client until the close of business for the day (or not, at clients' discretion).  Our team can only give proper attention to CHECKING-IN one party every 30 mins but can serve up to 7 parties throughout the day, overlapping.  I've considered making a service for each of the 7 start times and having them last for 30 minutes, but clients would be confused and think they only have a 30-minute party.  The 30-minute idea probably wouldn't work either as clients might be able to select a time to start and not necessarily match times up with the party service time they book. 

Could I make a separate service "area" for up to 7 areas but not let them book closer than 30 minutes together?  Maybe by creating a single imaginary widget service they must include in their cart lasting 30 minutes???

Is it possible to make party check-in #1 through #7 as "items" for customers to buy for each of our available time slots that would reset in inventory each day? This wouldn't work with Appointments as a service but might serve our purpose.  We could keep our calendar clean and still use Square for everything.

I have a system that books events in 30-minute increments now but it is confusing when going between the reservation program and Square to close out their tickets at the conclusion of their events as clients add to their tab from our Square shop throughout their event.  Plus, it looks like we are receiving considerably more revenue than we are because we have to close out the reservation through the other program by telling it we received "cash" or that system will send payment reminders and carry a balance due by that client.  I don't want to have to explain that to a tax auditor! 

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