
Does Square offer conditional, criteria, or quantity based discounts?

I want to put an item on the online store that will be discounted 10% if the quantity is 2 or more.

I tried using pre-discounted price points but the customer still has the option to choose a quantity, which throws everything off when they choose anything but a quantity of 1.


I could omit the pre-discounted price points and use a discount code but I only want the code to be applicable if the quantity is 2 or more.


Is this possible?

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Message 1 of 200
199 REPLIES 199
Square Community Moderator

Hi there. 


While you can create and apply discounts with Square, it’s not possible to create conditional discounts that apply if a purchase meets specific criteria. For example, if you wanted to offer a 2-for-1 discount, adding two items to the cart won’t automatically trigger the discount.


This is a great idea that others have brought up as well, so I'll definitely let our Product Team know about the request. 

In the meantime, I’d suggest creating a separate bundle items priced for these specific instances e.g. create "2 for 1" as an item and price it accordingly. 


Maybe one of your fellow sellers have another work around that they use that they can share with you. 

Message 2 of 200

Hi EJ,


what us the status in developing a canditional discount feature in Square?  


Even if Square started with a simple quality discount based on $$ volume, or single item quantity volume it would be preferable to having to juryrig the order.  Volume discounts are meant to incent the customer to purchase just one more.  But if the check out experience is long and confusing, it defeats the purpose and you could sour the customer from any future sale.  





The Grouch

Message 3 of 200
Square Community Moderator

@Revive @TheGrouch Hi all!


Unfortunately there aren't any updates in regards to the availability of this specific feature. This is definitely a popular request and we're actively looking into how we can implement it in the best way for Square Sellers, so hopefully our Product Team can get something out for you soon. 


I'll be sure to post updates about this if anything comes along, and if you have any work-arounds that you currently use please share them! They might help out your fellow sellers. 

Message 4 of 200

Would really love to see this feature as well!  I am a former owner of a fully functional POS system.  6 years ago when I moved my retail store to a new bare bones, low overhead location, I left my old POS behind and started using Square.  I've been thrilled with Square and have recommended it to many other retail business owners.  Now, however, my new buisness is growing and becoming more sophisticated.  I re-entered the word of bar codes and scanners this year but am limited with what i can enter with the scanner because we use a lot of volume discounts and it would take too much time and leave open too much room for error to manually apply the discounts after the items have been scanned.  PLEASE WORK ON THIS FEATURE!  Would like to see volume discount applied automatically when specific quantity is reached.  (example: $19.99 each; 3 or more, $18.99 each; 6 or more, $17.99 each)  Thanks!

Message 5 of 200

Thanks for taking the time to share your experience, @darinvh. I'll be sure to share your post with our Product Liaison team, who is always making improvements based on seller feedback. We'll circle back to this thread with any updates on this request.


As your business grows, you may also want to keep an eye on our newly released app, Square for Retail. Learn more about the additional tools it offers in Spenser's post: Introducing Square for Retail.


Apologies for any inconvenience, and thanks for your patience as we're always working to improve.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 6 of 200



I see there's been quite a bit of discussion on this topic in the past few weeks.  I just want to reiterate how important this feature is for me and my business.  I'm to the point where for the first time in 7 years I'm starting to think about looking into another system.  My buiness has grown to the point where I need the POS to autmatically calculate volume discounts as we scan in multiples of the same item.  I'm now losing money because of the time it takes to manually enter some of our biggest selling items.  I hope this is something the programmers are activly working on.  Thanks.  

Message 7 of 200

Does "Square for Retail" work with quantity discounts? 

Message 8 of 200
Square Champion

Message 9 of 200

@TheGrouch quick follow up question on this - would you expect the volume discount to trigger automatically? For example, if you set a purchase quantity of 2 to trigger 10% off, should all carts that have 2 or more have the 10% off discount applied? 

Message 10 of 200


yes, the discount should be triggered automatically.  for example, we run a garden center, and we sell geraniums at 4.99 ea.  when a customer gets to 6, they drop to 4.79 ea.  we should be able to just ring up geraniums, either all together or spread out throughout the sale, and let the app figure out (based on the discount structure we've entered) how much each geranium is depending on how many the customer buys.  this helps in several ways.  a customer may have 6 geraniums scattered around thier cart.  the cashier may ring up 2 in the beginning, 2 in the middle, and 2 at the end of the order.  as soon as the cashier rings in the 6th geranium, all the geraniums should reduce to the discounted price.  we have a lot of different items with different discounts, to trust the cashier to remember all of them is too much to ask and also slows down the checkout process.  but probably the biggest benifit is being able to bar code items.  barcoding and scanning greatly speeds up the check out process.   but the way the app works now, we can't barcode anything that has a volume discount.  the reason is because the cashier would have to remember or constently check on the screen, as they are ringing up many different items that all have different discounts, how many of each item they are ringing up, and then manually change the price to the discounted price.  this defeats the whole benefit of barcoding and scanning as the cashier would spend more time checking the volumes of each item and making sure the items have the correct price then they would if they just manually enereted each item.  so, to answer your question again, yes, the discount should be triggered automatically when the appropriate quantity is reached.  i've used several other POS systems over the years and this is a basic feature that they all possess.  Thanks a lot for looking into this issue, i really hope this feature is added soon.  -Darin

Message 11 of 200

Thank you @darinvh! The additional context is very helpful. 

Message 12 of 200

Any update on this issue yet? Can we apply conditional discounts or is there an option to stack discounts?


For example i sell bottles of beer for 4$ and 6 for 20. Ideally every time i enter 6 bottles it will automatically apply a 4$ discount but i can not find this option. i created a 4$ discount to apply manually to solve the issue however i can only apply it once. If a client buys 12 beers it dosnt work. Kind of fustrating i can not be free to manage this as i wish.



Message 13 of 200

Hi @clm128! We're working on a quantity based discounting rule. Until we have it released, I can think of a few work arounds, but understand these aren't ideal:  

  1. You can create a variable dollar amount discount that you apply based on the total number of beers. The bartender would have to count bottles ordered and enter the correct discount. 
  2. You can create an item for 6 beers. You could price it at $20, but if you want to show discount specifically then you can create an auto apply discount for $4 that applies to this item. When the item for 6 beers is added to the cart, the discount would apply. (if two were added, the discount would be $8). This would not allow you to track inventory and assumes you know someone is ordering 6 beers from the start like a bucket special, so may not be a viable option.  
Message 14 of 200

Creating "2 for 1" item does not work, because if I do that I won't be able to to track inventory on the item.

I really wish you guys look into creating conditional discounts.

Another issue is that it's impossible to put items on sale, the only way to do that is to manually override the price of each item, witch leaves lots of room for human error.

I currently use the Square for retail version in 2 locations.

Message 15 of 200

So now that it has been another year later, is there any update? I wanted to ofer a Mother's Day special where if someone bought one of a particular set of patterns, plus the yarn to go with it, they could get $5 off. While I know I can do the $5 discount, I want to limit it to the pattern/yarn purchase combo, not the other items, and not have to police a bunch of online purchases.

Message 16 of 200

@Horsenround we're working on updates for discounts, but I can't share exact dates just yet. If you'd be interested in discussing your specific needs in a call, I'd love to connect to go into more detail. You can choose a time that works for you using my booking site here

Message 17 of 200

Has square even Square for retail updated this optoin? I don't believe so and i desperately need it to help with inventory and pricing/ quantity discounts. It's a real problem because i have to keep a seperate log of inventory and reconsile manually. Very time consuming and redundant. 😞 

Message 18 of 200

Hi @CrescentMT - certainly hear the need, and the ability to provide a discount like this is something we are working toward. Re: inventory - not sure I'm following the need to track it separately. If a buyer purchases two or more and you add the discount to the order manually, the inventory should be decreased. Happy to chat about it further if that would be helpful. 

Message 19 of 200

Just putting my hand up to say we would love this functionality as well!!

Message 20 of 200

I want to have a buy 2 of something for x $. Or 1 at regular price. Can’t figure our how to do this so that when it rings up it knows which pricing to apply. Thanks

Message 21 of 200