
Customize reports by customer name

I am seeking a way to create a report that can be categorized by customer. I am a wholesaler and I would like to be able to access information solely on that customer/vendors name.

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Message 1 of 86
1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Can you generate reports with customer name and email information if present in my customer d...



The reporting around Customers is definitely something we've spent a lot of time working towards. Square's system is built on varying platforms, so what may seem like basic reporting, might actually be a complicated process to generate.


Item reporting does go with the item platform, Customer with the Directory Platform, and we've just started implementing the communication between these. 


What that means for now, these reports as you want them are not fully generatable.

You can add a customer to a transaction from the POS - especially the dashboard.

Click into the Transaction you'd like to Add a Customer > Click the three dots in the upper right hand corner > Add Customer 


If you export the Transaction CSV Customer Name will appear on this spreadsheet. 


It's not a perfect process, but it is reporting requests we continue to share with the product team so they can road map out updates in the future.

1 Best Answer

Best Answer

 @Helen @stanfordaustin 

I needed that as well and after searching this for days, this is what I came up with:


1- Downloading customer list from the customer page: But has major problems:

A- gives you VERY LITTLE details such as emails, phone numbers, and totals spent since their first visit.

B- No options for Dates,

C- No transaction Details 

D- No accounting for Refunds issued -- so totals are always higher if I gave a customer a refund at any point. 


in my opinion useless for details, somewhat good for who is the winner of the best customer, even though he/she might have been the worst and always received refunds, and actually spent the least 🙂


2- dashboard --> transactions -->then filter by customer name (you have to input that manually --> then exporting, is the only way to achieve something like what I was looking for yet there are still some problems: 


A- It is tedious to do this for each customer, in comparison if the field "customer" was added to all the exports then we can at least do one tedious job or getting our info from one file in excel -- this way you will have tons of files to download, fix and compile to come up with an overview between customers. 

B- if you export "transaction CVS" OR "Item Detail CVS" one important thing is missing, which is REFUNDS that were done. So the numbers will be a mess, any refunds you issued that customer for whatever reason don't show in these reports, so the totals will be always equal to (if no refunds) or higher (if refunds were issued in the time period) than the actual numbers... 


So the only way to do this and get the right numbers is to export "Items Summary CVS" from the transaction page after you choose the dates you want and filter by a customer (one by one). This will account for refunds, gives you an overview of which items the customer bought, which ones got returned and the right totals.


@Helen  what we need is simple, in any of the reports that are exported, add the "customer" column/field .. the more fields added to an exported file the better... we can always delete columns we don't like, but we cant add columns we don't have. 


Hope this workaround helps some people for the time being 


View Best Answer >

Message 55 of 86

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: List of all card sales with name, last four, date, and amount?


Is there a way to get a single screen list of all sales in a given period that includes cardholder name (when available), last four digits, time & date of sale, and amount charged? We want to switch from Intuit, and they provide such a list, which makes it easy to double check transactions. We occasionally need to verify sales by customer/date, but I can't seem to find an easy way to have one list with all the information. It seems the only way to do get this information is to create a customer profile for each person, or click on each transaction to see the details. Those are way too time consuming, and I need to see the details all at once. Is there a way to see all the transactions and all the information in a given time frame? Thanks, Moose

Message 22 of 86

Also — if I go to Dashboard > Sales > Reports > Transaction Status, I get something similar to the list I need, but only for sales that did not go through. I would like this kind of list for sales that did process. TIA.

Message 23 of 86

Hi @Moose! I went ahead and merged your post into this thread. You're right, the report you're looking for isn't available yet, I'm sorry! Please read @Tom's Best Answer for a workaround.


In the meantime I will share your interest in a report that includes sales information, as well as customer information, with the Reporting Team! 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 24 of 86

I need to run a report showing customer details and exactly what each purchased.  We have to issue tax receipts for donations and have no clarity on this, without opening each individual transaction.  Any suggestions?

Message 25 of 86
Square Community Moderator

Hi @Diana-OTCC


I moved your post over to this existing thread, as one of your fellow Square sellers had a similar question. 

There isn't a specific report that pulls this, but the Best Answer in this thread has a workaround that might work for you. 

Message 26 of 86

I love the analytics that Square has for the overall sales of the business. But I need that by individual. Our average ticket can be over $500 and we need to be able to focus on those consumers versus all the $75 average ticket retail customers. We need to look at who they are and focus on incentizing them differently. Not being able to look at their purchase history by month, or margin on those transactions is a huge loss that I feel should be a no brainer for this data set.

Message 27 of 86

Hello @kd_aggie! I'll make sure to add your comment to request! 

Message 28 of 86

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: How to create individual customer payment history statement?


I have many recurring customers and sometimes they get confused as to their payment history. I'd like to generate a statement that simply shows the transaction history for that one person. I can "print customer" but the formatting is garbage and it includes tons of unnecessary crap and takes multiple pages. I can try to create a custom report but don't see how to filter it to a single customer. Is there a cleaner way to generate this statement?

Message 29 of 86

As it appears this is not possible...what a major deficiency.


Square, please implment a "customer" custom report.

Message 30 of 86

I'll share your request with the Customer Directory team @mopro. I've moved your post to this thread so you can read the workaround @Tom shared in this thread.


I hope this is helpful in the meantime. 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 31 of 86


When I download my Transactions using CSV I get the customer name if available in my database but I really need the email to match up with my accounting software. Please let me know if that feature is available and if so how can I get access to it.

Message 32 of 86

Hmm, there isn't a sales report that includes both the customer's name and their email address @HTW


I've added your post to this thread so you can see how to export your Customer Directory. When you export your directory — or just a specific group from your Directory — you can view the customer name and email address as well as details of your customers' spending habits at your business (date of first transaction, last transcation, total spend). I hope this helps in the meantime. 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 33 of 86

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Customer Transactions History - No Such Report?


Square is so well done and well executed, it's hard to believe you left out a crucially-needed report:  Individual Sales Transaction History for each customer.


The CSV download can apparently provide only TOTALS for each customer - NOT individual sales, as one of the replies implied.


The a customer's historical total is useless when reconciling a bank statement.


Is there some other way to get a report - either for all customers or just one - that shows a customers transaction history?



Message 34 of 86

Hi @CapnCAVU - have you tried exporting the Transactions CSV report from the Transactions section of your online Dashboard? You can sort that report by the column called 'Customer Name' group customers' transactions together. 


It sounds like you'd prefer to see a report from the Customer Directory section of the Dashboard, or from a Custome Profile? Do your customers often ask you for a list of their transcations? Any information you can share about this request will help the Reporting team to make improvements! 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 35 of 86

Hi Helen, 


Thanks for your help on this issue. Took me a while to figure out what question I needed to ask to get a customer transaction history. To answer your question above. This is something that would be incredibly useful for my business. I do coaching/counseling and so have almost all repeat customers. Many ask for a report of their sessions for reimbursement purposes. Any easier and more offical way of presenting this to customers would be super helpful. Thanks! 

Message 36 of 86

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Is it possible to run/print a sales report for just one customer? Or by customer?


Is it possible to run/print a sales report for just one customer? Or by customer?

Message 37 of 86

Hi @Nkurilko! I'm adding your post to this thread so you can read how to access this information from the Transaction CSV.


Or, to view sales information for one customer you could start from the Customers section of your Dashboard. From your Customer Directory you can search and select a specific customer to their sales Activity on the screen (when you click on a cusotmer's name their Activity will appear in new window on the right-hand side).


So that I can share your feedback with the Reporting team, can you share a bit more about how running a sales report for a customer/cusomers would help you? 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 38 of 86

We need to run reports by customer for many reasons. Customers often need quarterly or annual print outs of their visits and payments to submit to their insurance company for reimbursement. Aside from this, it would be much easier to reconcile a customer's account - visits, payments, credits, cancelations, etc. - if there was a way to run a custom report by client instead of having to skip around using their profile and clicking on an appointment that takes you to a new screen, etc. I look forwrad to this option being available!

Message 39 of 86

Hi, Helen!  For my purposes, I would like to have a list BY CUSTOMER, BY ITEM (instead of by customer, by transaction) that each customer has purchased in their lifetime with me.  I often have their friends/family members asking if they have this or that yet from my retail shop.  I can sort by customer and read through the items listed within each transaction, but it would be clearer to have a list of items that I can then slice and dice and organize.  Thanks.  Ruth

Message 40 of 86



Hi there Ruth!

We are actively working on building a more robust item/customer reporting options, so this may be something we can help you with in the future. For now, I will reiterate your request.

Technical Program Manager: AI
Square Inc
Message 41 of 86

Awesome! Thanks!

Message 42 of 86