
Customer name on receipt

I want to add customer name and discount membership number on printed receipts. Can this be done?

Message 1 of 11
Square Champion

Sometimes the customer name will show on printed receipts when their name is captured via the credit card transaction. That isn't a guarantee, however.


I think the easiest way to record the name and membership number would be to create an item named "Name/Number" or something like that with a $0 price. When you put that item on the transaction, you can tap on it on the "tape" on the right side of the screen. That will bring up a new window with a notes field. Type the name and number in that field. The item and its notes will show on the receipt when you print it.


I also recommend looking into the Customer Directory. You can add the membership number to the notes section per customer. Adding the customer to the order will link their name and number then.

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 2 of 11

Wow.  That's thinking outside of the box! Thank you!

Message 3 of 11

Why don't you just add the name on the receipt feature?   Every other POS system does.   Its absurd that your company can't just do this.  What is the problem?



Andrew Foster
Message 4 of 11

It is absurd that Square has not added the ability to add the clients name after receiving services they pay for that would be covered under the clients insurance plan!!!!  This is not acceptable, I am this far from cancelling Square for this reason alone!!!!!


Its rediculous!!!


Anyone agree?

Andrew Foster
Message 5 of 11
Square Champion

Hey @Drewman2 


You can show names on receipts. As I said upthread, it isn’t necessarily consistent when you rely on credit card swipes and dips. This isn’t because of Square: if the customers card doesn’t have that information, it can’t be relayed to Square. 

To enable names on tickets:

-on your POS: More -> Settings -> Hardware -> Printers 

-Choose your receipt printer

-Turn on “In Person Order Tickets.” You won’t have to fiddle with any other setting here.


voila. Done. 

When you hit the Charge button now you’ll get a box asking for the customers name. If you dip/swipe their card at this point this box will automagically fill in with their name—if the credit card company makes it available. If not you can enter it here. Their name will then print on all printed and (I believe) emailed/texted receipts. 

Yes, you’ll get a secondary order ticket printed that would be used for a foodservice establishment for preparing an order, but if you’re not willing to look at invoices this is the only workaround. 

I highly recommend checking out the Invoices app. Invoices require you to get customer information (name, email, phone—which I’m assuming you’d need for your line of work anyways), and still allows you to print receipts using onsite printers

If these options don’t work for you, then I don’t know what to tell you. 

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 6 of 11

It is rediculous you can’t add the persons name to reciepts.  This should have been a core feature in reciepts especially because insurance companies require it on them to reimburse people, otherwise they are refused!   Please make this a priority.  Otherwise I’ll have to search out a new POS solution and you lose my business.

Andrew Foster
Message 7 of 11
Beta Member

You can also try to send invoices as they show the name on the invoice.

Message 8 of 11

I appreciate that but no, Im sending reciepts directly from Square which should have the name shown for insurance companies.  This is not rocket science for Square to do this.  For the money they take on each transaction, this should be done pronto.

Andrew Foster
Message 9 of 11

@Drewman2 I hear you and appreciate your feedback! I've moved your post to another thread where @ryanwanner also offers a workaround. I know you're not wanting too many workarounds, but this feature is not currently on our roadmap so a workaround may be best. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 10 of 11

I agree this should be standard - every transaction needs to be associated with a name. When I read through transactions to confirm a customer paid for a service, the POS purchase amounts don't tell me who made the order.  Even though I do record all of my sales on a spreadsheet, there's possibility for error and a name would solve that so easily. Dumbfounded that it's not part of the system.

Message 11 of 11