
Cup Maker who is website illiterate

I wasn't sure if there is anywhere on here to find people who are good at helping to build or improve websites.  I shut mine down years ago but I just kept paying because I knew eventually I would be back to try again.  Well here I am but I still am no smarter at setting up an online store for my tumbler business.  If anyone has any advice, I would greatly appreciate it. 

Thanks so much, 

She Shed Debi 

Message 1 of 3

HI, Square’s platform offers so many options and features all for free!  Many more paid features and options are available as your business grows.  


Square has broken down the features into little bits for easier navigation.  Best advice, add pages, add sections, add stories, add galleries and click on every down arrow and 3 little dots you come across to expand for more options/features.  It is easy to navigate and you can not break anything. 


Hope this helps.
Message 2 of 3
Square Champion

Hi there, 


We have used many platforms for our business over the years and can say with hand on heart Square Online offers one of the best platforms. It's simple to use, you can't really go wrong and if you have any questions the community is always on hand yo help as are the Square team. 


Some website build platforms can be overly complex, the nice thing about Square is you can build a site that looks professional, offers all the functionality you need to get your business up and running. 


I would suggest keeping it simple to begin with, set up a couple of products, play around with the functionality to see what it does, you can always reset the site.


My advice in creating a good website is good quality photos of products, and if you make your products, engaging photos of you making your product, customers love to see products bring made.


Hope this is of help. Just ask if I can be of further help. 

Coco Chemistry Ltd
Artisan Chocolatier
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