
Can I require an item on every sale thus on every sales receipt?

This may be a little odd but I am trying to help build some habbits with my employees.  You retail folks will get this right off the bat... upsales. I have created 5 items in my square system.  The images i used for the product icon are very different that all the rest so they stand out very well on the iPad POS grid.  They perhaps say Ask Customer if they want a beverage with the sandwich order or whatever. I need to do two things.... 


1.. I need the item description to print on the customers receipt.  Our side the Item Name will say Beverage Upsale or Beverage Offer and on the Customer Receipt it will say Great Choice... Coke is a great addition to your sandwich.  We have 20 other flavors to try. or something like that.


So that's the concept, now how can I require that upsell item be "sold"?


With almost zero options available to us the merchants i'm obvioulsy trying to create a functional workaround within these near cripiling square restrictions. If they can't complete a retail sale without that Beverage Offer item included I have, in theroy  required the upsale to happen... NOTE i did say In Theroy... Teenagers are sparter than me and all the computers sometimes... they will find a way around it... but anyhow.   


Doable?  Other suggetions?  Please, if you do offer a suggestion, please offer one for the "required Field" if you will, not a way to accomplish "upsale goals".  I always enjoy reading concept suggestions, I need this forced option for other reciepts far more important than a coke add on.  I hope that made sense... and didn't sould rude.  

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1 Best Answer
Square Champion

Best Answer

There isn't a way to work around requiring an item to be sold.  And playing devil's advocate, what if the customer doesn't want any of the upsell items?  And as for having different names for items and descriptions on the receipt vs on the POS there isn't a way to do that either.  Sorry I didn't have better news.

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Square Champion

Best Answer

There isn't a way to work around requiring an item to be sold.  And playing devil's advocate, what if the customer doesn't want any of the upsell items?  And as for having different names for items and descriptions on the receipt vs on the POS there isn't a way to do that either.  Sorry I didn't have better news.

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