
Arrange items by category in the "shop all"

When i click on my 'shop now' tab it shows all of my item pictures with the categories listed by the side.


Is there any way to have the category pictures when you click 'shop now' with the ability to then click on each one to see the items listed under that category


As in not showing every single item, but instead showing category headings in the shop now page?


I feel it would be easier for people to navigate, especially if browsing the site form a mobile



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@vaz119 The Shop All page will always show all items. You can turn off the Category list on this page and have the Categories in the site Navigation instead ( or both ).

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Hi @vaz119, thanks for your post! There's another workaround that might let you do this.


1. From Website > Edit Site, create a new blank page. 


Screenshot 2021-03-29 at 13.49.47.png



2. On this page, add a Featured Categories section. You can add as many categories as needed; it'll display the category image and title. 


Screenshot 2021-03-29 at 12.10.17.png

 Screenshot 2021-03-29 at 13.50.55.png


3. Hover over the page in the menu bar > click the three dots > View page settings


Screenshot 2021-03-29 at 12.13.01.png



4. Within this, enable Redirect other URLs to this page and add the link to the Shop All page.


Screenshot 2021-03-29 at 14.02.01.png



5. Click Save > Publish.


This way, when someone clicked into the Shop All tab, they'll be shown the categories instead and will be able to navigate from there.


I hope this will help!

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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