
American Legion Bingo

Hi we just recently got this system. Our first night of bingo went pretty good with it. However it brought up a few questions. As I state before we do bingo so we sell bingo game packs. 1. I have created an item that is inclusive of all of our games. Lets say this item includes Game1, Game2, Game3 up to Game 15. I have a couple customer that do not want to play all of the games is there a way to discount the sale of the inclusive game pack? For example for all the games the sale price is $50 but they want to remove Game4 which has a sale price of $5.00. I currently have to forgo the inclusive pack and enter the games individually which takes time and when you have 60 or 70 people in line upsets my customers. 2. I have also created some custom reports but they do not show up in the app. These reports are used in the calculations of the payout. How do I get these reports to show in the app? This was the main reason we purchased this system. 3. I had a customer that wanted to use their credit card to just withdraw cash. How would I ring that up? I know it is a lot so thank you in advance for your time. John
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Square Champion

there are many questions in this.


you can set up a discount of $5 and $10 and $15 etc for however many games they opt out of.


custom reports only show up when using the Square dashboard online so you could view that in a web browser instead of the app.


I'm not sure you can even use Square to sell bingo cards as it may be considered gambling which is prohibited under the terms of service.


also, it is against the terms of service to offer cash advances.  so you can't just take a credit card for $50 and give back $50 in cash (also because you'll lose money on the transaction)

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