
Can you send the same invoice to multiple customers?

Can you send the same invoice to multiple customers?

I tried to send the same invoice to nine customers, but I find the option less intuitive than PayPal's methods. It appears that one invoice was generated, and one customer was billed, and the remaining 8 were cc'ed. When you choose this option with PayPal, each customer email address receives its own bill with its own invoice number. Am I missing something? Thanks.

69 Replies

I have the same invoice that I need to send to about 50 different people. Is there an easier way to do this other than making one and then Duplicating it 49 more times?


Unfortunately, there is not a quicker way of sending out the same invoice multiple time. I absolutely see how that would be a huge time saver for you and I'll pass this request over to our Product Liaison Team. 


Hey @JeffT, thanks for pointing this out.


You're correct. Right now, if you send an invoice to multiple people — only one of the recipients will be able to make the payment. Once someone completes the payment, the rest of the cc'd individuals will receive a notification that the payment is complete.


For now, we would suggest duplicating an invoice. This is the only way that you can send an individual payment request to each of your clients at this time.


You can clone an invoice from your Invoices tab > locate invoice > Click the 3 dots > Duplicate:


Screen Shot 2021-05-24 at 4.24.34 PM.png


I realize this workaround takes more time than simply just adding your client's email address, but I hope it helps. Rest assured that I'll be sharing your experience with our Invoices team. We're always making improvements based on customer feedback. Keep in touch for updates.


This post was updated in 2021 by a moderator to include an updated screenshot and steps.

Just wondering if this option is now available?

I also would like to know if I can now send an invoice to two email addresses without going through the cloning process. I have a customer that wants the same ivoice sent to him and also his accounting department.


Hey there @DocSavage - if you are collecting one payment but sharing the Invoice with to individuals for their records, you can share the Invoice manually. 

When creating the Invoice, select "Share Invoice Manually" from the Invoice Option dropdown. This will generate a link to the Invoice that can be sent to more than one individual (keep in mind this can only be paid once). 


I hope this helps, let me know if you need anything else. 

Can you import invoices in a batch?  I need to create 40 of the same ones.

I, also, would like to be able to send 1 invoice to multiple people.  Please keep us informed as to when this will be an option.  Thank you!


Wondering the same! I dont have time to send 100 duplicated invoices a day, when I can do the within seconds with paypals batch upload. Will this option be available soon?


Hi @themoccshop - Unfortunately, we do not have an ETA on if or when this feature might be implemented. However, we'll make sure to update this thread if we hear any news on it.