New for Appointments: Find Availability Feature

Hi everyone!


We launched a new “Find Availability” feature, which makes it fast and easy for you to look up your staff and/or resource availability when booking an appointment. This helps you avoid double booking your staff, and ensures your clients get to see their favorite service provider.


With Find Availability, you can now view and select available date/time slots directly when creating or editing appointments:

The calculated time slots take into account your staff’s availability (including for multi-staff appointments) and resources, to ensure that you're only booking available time.





Get Started

To get started, ensure your staff availability and service durations are accurate and up to date. Available time slots will show according to your settings for Online Scheduling > “Appointments are scheduled” - learn how to edit those here.




Find an available date and time

  1. Create an appointment
  2. Add a Customer and all Services that will be included in the appointment
  3. Select the desired Date for the appointment
  4. On mobile:
    1. Select a start time from the options below the calendar
  5. On web:
    1. Select the “Find Availability” link on the date selector to view and select a start time
  6. Click Done


You can learn more about this feature in our Support Center Article. Feel free to reply below with any questions!

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