Square Online release notes - September 1, 2020
Square Online release notes - September 1, 2020

New URL: square.online

As part of our naming update to Square Online from Square Online Store, the URL for the Online dashboard and website editor is now:



No need to worry, any bookmarks you have stored will automatically redirect to the new URL.


Colour improvements

We've made enhancements to color settings in the site editor to help you maintain brand consistency. The Site Design panel now includes a quick-access full colour picker. There are more colour options that you can assign to elements across your site. We've also removed text colour restrictions from background images and loosened contrast thresholds on elements to allow for greater colour variety. If a text colour might result in legibility issues when above a background image, we'll let you know.




We hope you enjoy our latest updates and we are excited to bring you more in the coming weeks! See all the latest Square Online updates posts in Seller Community.