Square Messages Public Beta Update: Consent
Square Messages Public Beta Update: Consent

We love how much our Sellers have enjoyed our new messaging feature and please continue to reach out with feedback or ideas how we can make this work even better for you. 

Today we are launching an upgrade to protect you and your customers from receiving unwanted Marketing messages by adding the ability to request consent to send Marketing messages over text. Your replies to customers for messages that are not marketing will remain unchanged. 

We also want to allow for Sellers like yourself to be able to reach out to your customers and so we have brought this consent to new outgoing messages as well to make sure your Buyers are ok with receiving SMS messages. 

New update as of February 26, 2020


Thank you to those of you who shared your feedback since we launched Consent to Square Messages. Thanks especially to @londontea @FairyHair @henchmenhouse @janny @zder 


Improvements to Consent are now available through your Square Dashboard and coming soon to iOS apps.


Based on feedback received, we’ve made the following changes: 

  • Seller Consent: When you start a conversation with your customer, you will be asked to confirm that you have received consent from your customer to send the message. No action will be needed from your customer.
  • When your customer initiates a conversation, you will only be asked to confirm consent after 48 hours. However, this will be the improved process with the tap of a button and no action needed from your customer.


Going forward, only marketing-based messages will require sending a consent request to your customers.







Please visit our Beta Seller Community for more information about this new change or to provide feedback about your experience with Square Messages. 


Thank you again for participating in the Square Messages beta program. We look forward to hearing your feedback. 


* This article was updated on 2/9/21