Offer subscriptions with Square Online Checkout
Offer subscriptions with Square Online Checkout

With Square Online Checkout, you can now accept automatic recurring payments from your customers. Payment links are quick to set up and easy to share.



Creating your recurring payment link


From the Online Checkout menu item on the left of your Square dashboard, create a new checkout link or edit an existing one to get started. Choose either Collect payments or Accept donations as your link purpose.


Create checkout link.png


Enter a title and the amount you want to charge, then enable the “Allow customers to subscribe” toggle to make the link a recurring payment. Select Edit on the right to adjust the frequency of payments. You can choose weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual intervals.


Edit subscription plan.png


Once you click Create link, a unique link URL is auto-generated for you. Paste the link on an existing website, social post, email, or text message to share it with your customers.


Checkout link created.png


When your customers check out, they will be able to choose between a one-time payment or a subscription:

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Managing your subscription payments

To manage the recurring payments you’re receiving, navigate to Online Checkout > Subscriptions from your Square dashboard. The details and status of each of your customers’ subscriptions are listed here. You can view their latest invoice or cancel their subscription by clicking on the three blue dots on the far right.


Subscriptions reporting.png


Your customers also have the option to cancel their subscription at any time through their original confirmation email. Below the summary of their purchase is a link to cancel:


Thanks for subscribing 2.png


Click here to get started creating your first subscription link.


We’re excited to share this new update with you, and we hope you enjoy it! Keep watching the Seller Community for future updates to Square Online Checkout.

Read more about recurring payment links. Learn more about Square Online Checkout.