Important Update: Loyalty Stars are being updated!
Important Update: Loyalty Stars are being updated!

Update: The change from stars to points is no longer scheduled to happen. See @dmaniar's post from 5/24 for the latest! 


Starting May 29, we’re changing Square Loyalty terminology from “Loyalty Stars” to “Loyalty Points.” We’re making this change to allow for more flexibility as we develop new features for the product. This will be rolled out over the course of multiple weeks.



What does that mean for me?

These changes do NOT affect the way your current loyalty program is set up, it’s only a terminology and visual change.


Terminology change:

1 Loyalty Star = 1 Loyalty Point

10 Loyalty Stars and you get one free drink = 10 Loyalty Points and you get one free drink.


Visual Point of Sale change:

The loyalty screens after the receipt screens will now say “Loyalty Points” instead of “Loyalty Stars,” and the background will no longer be dark or have blue floating stars.



Here are some screens of what the new change will look like:


Enrollment Screen in POS:


 Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 5.45.26 PM.png

Welcome Screen in POS:

 Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 5.44.56 PM.png


Earning Points in POS:

 Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 5.45.06 PM.png


Earned a Reward in POS:



Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 5.45.15 PM.png




Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback to share. We're all ears!



Thank you!