April Square Online Store Release Notes: New features and updates to help your products stand out!
April Square Online Store Release Notes: New features and updates to help your products stand out!

Instagram Shopping - Carousel Layout & Location Based Tagging


The new carousel layout for the Instagram Shopping section saves space by displaying your images in a single row. Add as many photos from your feed as you want - visitors to your page can scroll through them using the built in navigation arrows.image3.png


You can do more with your Instagram photos! Use item-specific tagging to call out multiple products within a single photo across your shoppable Instagram gallery. Make it easier for customers to buy the product they want.image1.png


New Product Types - Events, Donations, & Memberships


You now have the option to sell services and products that don’t need to be shipped or picked up! Check out the new product types next time you’re adding a product!



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